I was visiting my sister during my Spring Break in March. At the time, she lived in Los Angeles and was going to school at USC. Since my sister didn’t have a car, I rented one at the airport, and we drove all over LA in a new forest green Dodge Neon. The La Brea Tar Pits; NBC Studios; Disneyland; we were going some place new every day.
We were on our way to Universal Studios when it happened. USC is close to some neighborhoods that are a little dicey. We were sitting at a stop light and all of sudden felt a jolt. Someone had rear-ended us!
I was so mad. Couldn’t he see the red light? Didn’t he see that we were completely stopped? What was wrong with that idiot? I was swearing like a truck driver.
However, I was also scared. What if we were getting carjacked? I didn’t want to get out of the car, either.
I didn’t have much time to think about it, fortunately. Just a couple of minutes after we were hit, a motorcycle cop pulled up next to us. He told me he had seen the whole thing, and then he went to talk to the driver of the car that hit us. Not long afterward, a tow truck came to take the other car away. The driver had a suspended license and was driving illegally. Our rental car was dinged up a little, but not badly.
The police officer handed me a police report, and then we were on our way, for another sunny LA day.

The next time I visited my sister, I rented a white Chevy Malibu. We drove up the coast to San Francisco. Somewhere in wine country, we were stopped in a long line of traffic. Suddenly we felt a jolt…someone had rear ended us AGAIN!
This time, however, there was no need to call the cops. An older man stepped out of the car, apologized profusely, and there was no damage done. But I couldn’t believe I had been rear ended again!
This summer, Ed and I are planning a family trip to California, and we’re renting a car…
That last line made me chuckle and seriously though hope for no more rear-ending this time out. I honestly can’t believe that happened to you both times and could see how you would be just slightly annoyed though.
Janine Huldie recently posted…My Photo Blunder & The Importance of Family Portraits
I know! I couldn’t believe it happened twice! Fortunately no damage was done.
Ginny Marie recently posted…Rear Ended in a Rental Car in California
Surely it wouldn’t happen a THIRD time…right?
Right! At least, I hope not! 🙂
YIKES man! I would definitely suggest getting the extra car rental coverage that they always try to push on you! ;)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Dear Chevy, Thanks A Lot!
Ha! Fortunately, neither rental company charged me extra. 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…Rear Ended in a Rental Car in California
Third time’s the charm, right? Whatever that may mean…
Good luck to you!
Jenny recently posted…Simple Things
I’ll be crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, doing what ever it takes! 😉
Ginny Marie recently posted…Rear Ended in a Rental Car in California
Oh no! Maybe this third time’s the charm and you’ll be just fine! And if not, just think of the blog post!! 🙂
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…It’s Really Ten Months {Book Review}
If we did get rear ended a third time, that would make a great blog post, wouldn’t it? 😉
Ginny Marie recently posted…Rear Ended in a Rental Car in California
Yes USC in not in a great neighborhood….glad you were okay and that the officer saw it happen. Well hopefully the next time your in California it won’t happen again!
Deborah Pucci recently posted…WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGE
I’m sure it won’t. I’ve been to California several times to visit my sister without getting rear ended!
Ginny Marie recently posted…Rear Ended in a Rental Car in California
What’s up with driving in California? I was there on business with my boss a few years ago and she drove a rental. We didn’t have any issues thankfully. They do drive like crazy people there.
Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness recently posted…Sunshine Awards!
I would much rather drive in Chicago than LA! There are crazy drivers in Chicago, but it just seemed crazier in LA!
Ginny Marie recently posted…Rear Ended in a Rental Car in California
Oh I am so sorry to hear! I am in a rental car today because my car is being fixed and I am so scared to get hit. (I am not near USC though) Glad fate would have an officer when that happened. Someone was watching over you and your sister!
I can’t describe how happy I was to see him! Someone was watching over us for sure.
Ginny Marie recently posted…Rear Ended in a Rental Car in California
Wow- to trips to CA, rear ended while in a rental car. You better take out the insurance policy on your upcoming trip!!:)
Hopefully Ed will be able to break the jinx!!
Kim recently posted…THINK
ack, be careful!! I’m glad it all worked out. Whew. And my high school crush drove a forest green Dodge Neon! I had forgotten about those.
tamaralikecamera recently posted…It’s Time for Truths & Lies – Job Edition!
Oh boy, hopefully no more rear ending for you. I’ve only been rear ended once, and of course it was right after I had gotten a brand new car! I hope it does NOT happen to you again!
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…Slow Roasted Tomatoes with Cilantro
Oh, my. That is fortunate there was little damage. Loved you picture of you and your sister. Sisters really are wonderful.
Janice recently posted…St. Patty’s Day, Spin Cycle
Oh man, what are the chances of being rear ended again? Good luck! Let’s hope the third time isn’t the charm.
another jennifer recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Icy River
I was once rear-ended. It didn’t look as if anything was wrong, but then one day I had a passenger and it turned out the bumper was scraping the tires! There was a good remedy though: back into a hedge or against a wall and the bumper would be good to go for a few more months!
And I got front-ended once as well. Which was very annoying, since I finally had a leak-free windshield on that bus. My colleague misunderstood the handsignals and kept driving backwards and backwards until my bus stopped him! Grrrr…
Mara recently posted…Murphy and the cats