Is It Really Spring? {Spin Cycle}

Spring Break 2013 text
Spring Break, 2013

Spring! After a total of 80 inches of snow this winter, we are ready! Lily and Emmy have been begging to play outside every day, even though we haven’t seen warm temperatures…yet. Today we are expecting 60 degrees, which will feel like heaven. We’re also starting our Spring Break! We have a whole week to sleep late and stay up late watching movies. I pre-ordered Frozen for the girls, and it should be here by tomorrow! (Shh…it’s a surprise!) My sister is arriving from California via New York (it’s complicated) but it seems she is not bringing California weather with her. Our spring break will feel like winter, so says the weather forecast. I just read the dreaded “p” word again. And by “p” word, I mean “polar.”

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Spring Break, 2014

Look at how big my girls have grown in just one year! They were determined to have a picnic outside on the first day of Spring, so they spread out a blanket and had a snack of Cheez-Its. They are not going to let the “p” word interfere with their plans!

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What are your plans for Spring? Link up your post about Spring; spring break, spring training, a spring in your step, anything to do with Spring!

Second Blooming


9 Replies to “Is It Really Spring? {Spin Cycle}”

  1. I seriously hope not to hear the polar word again. I am telling you I truly hope for 100 degrees and heat wave for this upcoming summer, because that polar vortex thing truly is the pits and would rather be hot then cold any day of the week. That said, your girls are adorable and hope they enjoy their spring break now and fingers crossed about no more polar vortexes for any of us! 🙂
    Janine Huldie recently posted…A Blast from the Past from Before I Was Done with SchoolMy Profile

  2. Okay, I’m jealous. You can see your lawn, mine is still buried in a foot of snow. We are still hearing that awful P word too and we’re in for another inch of snow or so tonight. I’m crying mercy!

    On another note, my daughter loved Frozen so enjoy your movie night and spring break!
    This Busy Life recently posted…Etsy Round-Up: Dreaming in ColourMy Profile

  3. 80 inches of snow? It shouldn’t surprise me and we probably got close to that too. I’m jealous snow has melted enough to see your grass. I love that your girls have a picnic outside on the first day of spring!!
    Jeanne recently posted…Off To A Rough StartMy Profile

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