New Year’s Tag

Happy New Year (2)

It’s time for Mama Kat’s Vlogging Workshop! Since we have over a foot of snow outside and had no school due to extreme temperatures, I took the video outside. Let me just clarify; I recorded my vlog outside last week before the frigid below zero Fahrenheit temperature hit. We did NOT go outside for two days. (I did take out the garbage and get the mail. And put a cooler of food on the porch so I could defrost my freezer. I used “the world as my freezer,” as Ed likes to say.)

Watch HERE.

Mama Kat and Mom Pulse


11 Replies to “New Year’s Tag”

  1. You are SO adorable, Ginny!!! I LOVED this vlog! Love how your sweetie said “FUN”- classic moment there! Precious!! I am so glad we have connected and I too, look forward to more writing and ‘taking risks’ and another book!! (Oh- and yes, less yelling!)
    Chris Carter recently posted…The Road Oft TraveledMy Profile

    1. Oh, thank you, Chris! All I could think about was how old I look, especially outside with all that natural light! But I put myself out there anyway, for everyone to see, LOL. πŸ™‚

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