I want my Word of the Year to be sparkly. I have to keep this word for the whole year, so it needs to be a special word. A word like INSPIRE, or CREATE, or BEAUTY. A word that is AWESOME.
I came up with SCHEDULE.
“Schedule” is not a very exciting word. It speaks of boring predictability and routine. This word is not exactly what I was aiming for. Don’t forget, I also want to write a poem with my word.
Screen time limit
Clean regularly
Have a meal plan
Educate myself
Do the dishes daily
Utilize time wisely
Laundry: one load daily
Eat less and snack healthy
Does this poem do justice to my word? It definitely contains the type of tasks I think about when I hear the word “schedule.” And I really feel like I need a schedule. Here I am, at 9:00 on Thursday night, writing my Spin Cycle post for tomorrow morning when I could have written it earlier this week. I’m a chronic procrastinator. I never decide what to make for dinner until it’s almost dinner time, I wear my black pants to church because I forget about shaving my legs until half an hour before we’re supposed to leave, and I run out to buy milk when the jug in the fridge is completely empty.
I spend time I could be writing on social media. When I am on social media, I am just lurking and don’t actually post anything or promote my blog. I check my email five minutes after I just checked it, and guess what? There’s no new mail.
I need a schedule.
But I also need to be inspired. I need more than a schedule. How can I make the word “schedule” sparkle?
Stop and listen to my children more
Cherish the ones I love
Have hope for the future
Encourage others
Do tasks as they come, without worry
Use my faith in God above all else
Love my husband with all my heart
Escape in a good book every so often
If I combine the two poems, the practical schedule with the inspiring schedule, maybe this year will be just right!
What are your goals for this year?

Bloggers–link your post here! A link to your post will be both here and over at Second Blooming.

I said balance, which definitely goes hand and hand with having a better schedule, so I am so with you on this and think that is a perfect word for this year. Here is hoping we can get this thing right this year 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…If I had a million dollars, I…
Balance definitely goes along with schedule! I’m looking forward to seeing what 2014 brings us!
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
Well it might not be a very sexy word, but it does its job. And I think it will help you remember what you need to do. I like this word of the year thing!
Gretchen recently posted…Spin Cycle: Word of the Year
Not sexy is right! I’m loving this prompt, too. Every post I read is inspiring!
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
If I stuck to a schedule I think my life would be less complicated!
debby9972 recently posted…AT THE MOVIES
This is true! I’m hoping I can get more accomplished while feeling less stressed.
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
I think I could use more “schedule” too. Especially since I don’t have a full time job to go to anymore, my days are open. Which is great, but it’s so easy for the hours to slip away without accomplishing what I want. Maybe it’s not a sparkly word, but I think it’s important 🙂
Trish recently posted…Why I love Chick-fil-A
I have found that on the days I don’t work, I don’t get as much accomplished as I think I should. It seems like I’m going to have all this time to get stuff done, but then the day just flies by!
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
Scheduling was one of my goals, too. It isn’t glamorous, but it is necessary. I am also trig to cut back on screen time and be more intentional when I set out to accomplish something.
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…If I Had a Million Dollars . . . .
I definitely need to be able to walk away from the computer and not go back to it every few minutes. I’m so distractable!
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
I’d love a one of those day-long social media cleanses. Can you imagine? You’d come back to 50 new emails! But that’s better than the zero or one I get when I check so often.
I think your poem is perfect.
tamaralikecamera recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
A day-long social media cleanse? I like that idea, but I’m not sure I can pull it off!
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
I love the 2nd poem – it sounds way more fun!!!!
Kim recently posted…A Week of Ups and Downs
Thank you! The 2nd poem is definitely my favorite. 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
Nicely done. Sparkly Ginny! Like that, too.
janicead recently posted…Word of the Year
Thank you, Janice! I love your word, too!
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
Well, I think you made the word schedule very sparkly. Combining those two poems makes for an efficient and inspiring 2014 indeed!
another jennifer recently posted…Sponsored Video: Dreaming Through Art
Now if only I can make a schedule and stick to it…that’s still a work in progress!
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
Yay, you found your word! Your post made me laugh–all that build up about a sparkly word and then “schedule.” 🙂
My word isn’t sparkly either, but in the first eleven days of 2014, I’ve found “trust” to be a very inspiring word. Whenever things don’t go my way, I just trust that things will work out in the end. The phrase “Jesus, I trust in You” has been very helpful, almost meditative at times as I repeat it over and over again to get through certain situations.
So every time you find yourself spinning your wheels on social media, you can scream out the word “schedule!” and get yourself back on task! 😉
Angelina Costenaro recently posted…The Jar of Good News–The Year 2013 in Review
I think I need to write “Schedule” on a piece of paper, the way you wrote “trust,” and put it on the wall by my desk!
And I’m glad I made you laugh! 😀
Ginny Marie recently posted…My Word of the Year
My words would be CONNECT and SIMPLIFY. But I agree with you that it should be a bit more “sparkly.” LOL I loved the poem that you created to go along with your one word resolution, that definitely added some sparkle.
Gracielle recently posted…{Ask Away Friday} With Heather from @TheFrillofLife
I love the way you have two sets of poems for your word. I’m like you in social media. I get on there with every intention of doing something productive. Instead I read everyone else’s posts.
Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness recently posted…My Year of Firsts – Spin Class
I’ve been finding that if I just do the unpleasant tasks (dishes) instead of avoiding them, they go faster. Tackling small things before they grow. I still need to work more on the meal planning. Still not the best at that one.
VandyJ recently posted…WWTK: The Random Q