Groundhog Day is one of my favorite days! (Psst…February 2nd is my birthday!)
Of course you know that a groundhog has no relation to a pig, but did you know that a groundhog is also called a woodchuck? So it would be entirely appropriate to say, “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” on Groundhog Day!
Emmy and I put together an easy craft for Groundhog Day instead. Watch how to make it in the video below. Lily is videotaping us, and I apologize for the shakiness! Emmy and I also sing a little Groundhog song for you. The words are below.
Watch video here.
Tune: I’m a Little Teapot
Here’s a Little Groundhog
Here’s a little groundhog furry and brown
He’s coming up to look around.
If he sees his shadow, down he’ll go,
Then six more weeks of winter, OH NO!
(lyrics: author unknown)
Happy Groundhog Day! 😉
Linked to the Pin It Party!
I am hosting the Pin It Party on my blog today, please stop by and pin this, because it such a cute activity and fun song. I totally just pinned and you gave me another fun one to try with my girls now. Thanks and by the way my niece and sister-in-law’s birthday is February 2nd also 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Learn How to Choose the Right Car Seat for Your Little One
Thank you, Janine! I will definitely stop by and pin it!
Ginny Marie recently posted…Easy Groundhog Day Craft and Song
Awesome you linked up and seriously so happy to have you join us today 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Learn How to Choose the Right Car Seat for Your Little One
I love Groundhog Day. I love mid-winter towards the end of winter. It’s a hopeful time! And this is cute. Is Abby wearing penguins on her shirt?
tamaralikecamera recently posted…Wherever I May Roam.
Yes, it is hopeful! Emmy is wearing her penguin pajamas-I recorded this last night at bedtime! And don’t feel bad about called her Abby, because Emmy is her blog name. 😉 I’m not used to saying it in real life! It so happens that in real life, Abby is the name of her best friend. 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…Easy Groundhog Day Craft and Song
haha, that’s weird. And also unlike me to make name mistakes! It was before breakfast. Sorry!!!
tamaralikecamera recently posted…Wherever I May Roam.
I’m right there with you! Slow start this morning. 🙂
That came out really cute!
debby9972 recently posted…WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGE
Thank you, Debby! It’s actually cuter than I thought it would be! 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…Easy Groundhog Day Craft and Song
That is so cute! I really miss when the kids were little.
Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness recently posted…Half Marathon Training Recap – Week 1
I’m trying to appreciate these days. 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…Easy Groundhog Day Craft and Song
I am sorry I haven’t been over to your blog much lately, but it doesn’t seem to update in my list! Anyway, try to do better from now on. And I’ll remember Feb 2nd!
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