Easy Groundhog Day Craft and Song

Groundhog Day is one of my favorite days! (Psst…February 2nd is my birthday!)

Groundhog Day craft

Of course you know that a groundhog has no relation to a pig, but did you know that a groundhog is also called a woodchuck? So it would be entirely appropriate to say, “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” on Groundhog Day!

Emmy and I put together an easy craft for Groundhog Day instead. Watch how to make it in the video below. Lily is videotaping us, and I apologize for the shakiness! Emmy and I also sing a little Groundhog song for you. The words are below.

Watch video here.

Tune: I’m a Little Teapot

Here’s a Little Groundhog

Here’s a little groundhog furry and brown
He’s coming up to look around.
If he sees his shadow, down he’ll go,
Then six more weeks of winter, OH NO!

(lyrics: author unknown)

Happy Groundhog Day! 😉

Linked to the Pin It Party!


12 Replies to “Easy Groundhog Day Craft and Song”

    1. Yes, it is hopeful! Emmy is wearing her penguin pajamas-I recorded this last night at bedtime! And don’t feel bad about called her Abby, because Emmy is her blog name. 😉 I’m not used to saying it in real life! It so happens that in real life, Abby is the name of her best friend. 🙂
      Ginny Marie recently posted…Easy Groundhog Day Craft and SongMy Profile

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