10 Things I Love About Winter

snow cave

Snow. I just love snow. I love the way snowflakes drift down from the sky, covering everything softly, muting the traffic sounds and smothering the ugly brown grass. Snow is just one of the things I love about winter, and so I’m joining in to today’s Tuesday Ten with Lisa and Rabia, two of my co-authors of The Mother of All Meltdowns.

Ten things about winter

10. I love to put on my favorite sweater. I’m not someone who gets cold easily; I always have warm hands. But I love wearing my favorite sweaters in the winter, when it’s cold enough for me to wear sweater all day long. (My husband and I are probably the only couple in the world who don’t fight over the thermostat.)

9. Hot coffee in the mornings is lovely. I drink coffee year round, but it’s so nice on a chilly morning to hold that hot mug in my hands and warm my cold cheeks with its smooth sides. More recently, I’ve been drinking Lisa’s hot Russian Tea, and I swear the Vitamin C in the Tang helped me thwart a cold that my six year old daughter tried to give me.

8. Snow is beautiful. Even people who hate snow admit that snow is pretty.

Snowy Street

7. Taking my daughters sledding is so much fun! There’s nothing like that rush of adrenaline as you’re sledding down a steep hill with other kids sledding down without paying attention to other sledders! Once we’re at the bottom of the hill, I thank God no one got hurt, and then we drag the sled back up to the top to do it all over again.

6. Snow Days are awesome. I know, we regret them at the end of the school year when we’re making them up, but getting that phone call saying, “No school tomorrow due to the weather” is like a little piece of heaven.

5. My birthday is in the winter. Enough said.

4. Christmas and New Year’s Eve, also in winter, also enough said.

3. Snuggling under a blanket and reading a good book feels oh-so-right in winter. It gets dark so early that snuggling under a blanket and watching two movies in a row does not make me feel guilty at all. I also seem to get more blogging done in the winter.

2. Having the freedom to NOT shave my legs in the winter is wonderful

1. I love it when my husband builds a fire in the fireplace. It makes our family room so cozy.

girls by fireplace (2)

There are definitely things I don’t love about winter, but overall it’s one of my favorite seasons (along with Spring, Summer, and Autumn).

Tuesday Ten is hosted by Lisa from The Golden Spoons and Rabia from The Liebers. Visit their blogs for more Tuesday Ten!

Tuesday Ten
signature Be sure to join in the Spin Cycle, a weekly blog hop hosted by Gretchen from Second Blooming and me!


23 Replies to “10 Things I Love About Winter”

  1. OK, you make some good points here, but I’m still not a fan! I like looking at *pictures* of snow. And maybe someday when the preparation for sledding isn’t so arduous, I’ll enjoy it more. Winter will still not win me over, though. I’m a tried and true summer gal!! Thanks for linking up!

  2. I don’t love much about winter but I have to admit that what I used to NOT like about it – photography in the winter – I now LOVE. I love winter wonderland shots and snowflakes shots, and I’ve even gotten more into using lighting when natural light isn’t there for me.
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