Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 12/30}

Only a couple more days until 2014! My baby girl reaches double digits on her birthday this year, Ed and I will have been married for over a decade, and I will start my fifth year of teaching preschool in the fall.

This week, instead of looking ahead, let’s look behind. What is a highlight from your year? Was it a new job? A new baby? A great vacation? Or was it more simple, such as eating dinner with your family every night? Did you have more than one highlight in 2013?

Write your Spin about your 2013 highlights and link up any day this week!

Second Blooming

This week’s featured Spinner is Poekitten, who blogs at Many Waters. Stop by her blog and leave her a comment!


Link up your Spin below or over at Second Blooming! Your blog post will be linked on both our blogs!


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