New Goings On Around Here

I’m so pleased to announced that Gretchen from Second Blooming and I are partnering together to bring you the Spin Cycle this year!

The Spin Cycle is a blogging link-up founded a few years back by Sprite’s Keeper, who had the fabulous idea to give her readers a topic and let them give their “spin” on it. She passed the Spin Cycle on to Gretchen, who always writes the most fabulous Spins! This blogging meme…or carnival…or link-up, whatever you want to call it, has inspired me many times during my years of blogging. When Gretchen asked me to be a part of it, I squealed, jumped up and down and said yes!

I hope you join in and are inspired by the Spin Cycle as well!

This week on The Spin Cycle…

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Welcome back, class. Your first assignment of the school year will be a short summary of your summer activities. Did you vacation? Staycation? Playcation? Sweatcation?

Is there anything you have learned? Any new experiences you would like to share with the class? Extra credit for pictures!

You can link yourself here all week. I’ll be back on Friday for my spin on “How I Spent My Summer Vacation”, and I’ll post the linky again on Friday so you can blog hop and see how others spent their summer vacation.

And be sure to run over to Second Blooming to visit Gretchen! Your link will show up over there, too…it’s two for the price of one! (Since there’s actually no charge, you get two for free. What could be better than free?)

Link up below!

Second Blooming


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