Live, Laugh, BLOG! A Google+ Community

(To my readers who are not bloggers or who are not on Google+, I’ll be back with a regular post tomorrow!)

There are a lot of members of the old BlogFrog Communities that miss the conversations on BlogFrog. For those of you who were never a part of BlogFrog, the focus was on discussions and community. Sharing blog links and supporting each others’ posts was important, but the discussions with each other trumped the blog promotions. To see what I mean, take a look at my BlogFrog Community, which will disappear on May 31st.

I think that’s what I miss most about BlogFrog–that sense of community. In an effort to keep that sense of community alive, I’ve started a new community on Google+ called Live, Laugh, BLOG!

live laugh blog

My hope is to make this new community very interactive; a place not only to support each other with our blogs and social media sites, but a place to connect with each other as real people, too. Even though “blog” is in the name, you don’t have to have a blog to join! All you need is a Google+ profile.

To help this process along and to keep our community from just being a dumping ground for links, I’m going to start featuring a member of Live, Laugh, BLOG! every day. I’ll start with the moderators of our community, so you can get to know them.

Would you like to be a featured member? As a featured member, your blog will be promoted on Google+, Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #livelaughblog. If you are on Pinterest and have a Pinnable post, your blog will be featured there as well.

Only active members will be considered! What does being an “active member” mean?

As an active member, you

  1. Take part in the discussions.
  2. Start a discussion of your own.
  3. Give blog posts you like a +1. Please visit the link and actually read the post; do not randomly click the +1 button.
  4. You are welcome to leave links to your blog posts. However, return visits to community members who support you and visit your blog are also important!
  5. Active members do not necessarily have to be involved in Live, Laugh, BLOG every day. I know that you all have real lives, and can’t be online 24/7! It’s the quality of your participation that counts!

Please note that “spammy” links may be deleted by the moderators. Self-promotion is great, and your blog post might be the best out there. However, if you consistently add links to Live, Laugh, BLOG without supporting other members, your links may be considered spam.

Let’s work together to make Live, Laugh, BLOG a great place to be!

Do you have any questions about being a featured member? Please leave a comment below!






23 Replies to “Live, Laugh, BLOG! A Google+ Community”

  1. Great community to connect and help support each other 🙂 I too will miss the communities of BlogFrog, even tho I wasn't as active for a little while (a lot was going on here.) The support of everybody I have met through BF has been great and I look forward to meeting new people each day!

    My recent post Why We Don't Let the Kids Chew Much Gum

  2. I'm excited, Ginny! I used to post in BlogFrog a lot at first, and then I was in so many different communities I couldn't keep up. I'm new to using Google+ but I think I'm going to like it. Looking forward to meeting some new bloggers 🙂

  3. Did not know that BF was going away. I had left quite a while ago; not because I didn't like it, more that I had over-committed my time, jumped into too many communities, and couldn't give BF the attention it needed.

    Look forward to getting back in touch with BFFs through Live, Laugh, BLOG!
    My recent post Dakini Power by Michaela Haas

  4. Great post! Thanks a bunch for putting this up. Community is an important part of blogging. As a new blogger myself, I look into communities for camaraderie and to learn something new! Thank you, again!!

    My recent post Show Me the Money!!!

  5. We *desperately* need to figure out Google +. We made a page for the blog, but we can't get the hang of what we're supposed to do. *sob* We honesty just don't get it. We totally understand FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Sulia, Stumbleupon, and even Tumblr…but we can't figure out Google+ at all. GAH. Now look what we're missing!! 🙁
    We've got to figure it out. We've just got to!! –Lisa
    My recent post Who Needs A Vacation When You Can Have A “Staycation”?!

  6. Google Plus drives me crazy. S eriously. But it is one of the things on my to do list. Can't blow off google now can we?

    Stopping by from UBP13. Thanks for leaving a comment!

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