Why hasn’t Shania Twain recorded anything new? Come On Over had like, a million hits on it, and I don’t even know any other albums she’s recorded. Is it perhaps because she split from music producer Mutt Lang? Hmm.
Why won’t my kids eat the carrots I pack in their school lunches? They are crunchy, delicious and orange! Kinda like Cheetos, right? Plus they make you able to see in the dark! Cheetos can’t do that!
Why won’t my kids throw away candy and granola bar wrappers or used tissues, and as soon as I throw out holey socks they look in the garbage and start crying?
Why can’t my kids keep their runny noses to themselves? *sniff*
Why is this post so short? See above.

More on the tissues thing, why does my daughter barely blow her horribly runny nose but what little she does still calls for a fresh tissue seconds later?
I know exactly what you mean!
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
All good questions I have considered myself… 🙂 Hope the sniffles don't keep you down long!
My recent post Thankful Thursday — Funny Kids
Thank you! I seem to be feeling better tonight, so hopefully this cold is short-lived!
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
Thanks for the laugh. All good questions, except maybe the Cheetos vs Carrots one 😉 Cheetos taste way better than carrots!
My recent post Living on A Budget 11: Seeing Red
Well, you are right, but I'm not going to admit that to my kids! 😉
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
Aw…hate sharing the germs with the little ones. (and Shania should make another album!) –Lisa
My recent post Yes, That Is Really What We Looked Like
I know! Who do they think they are, anyway!
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
Maybe the carrots are too hard and crunchy? 😉 Feel better!
My recent post Turning My Brown Thumb Green
Yes, that's probably true! 😉 Given the choice, I think I would pick Cheetos over carrots, too!
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
Oh the mysteries of why children do ANYTHING they do. I'll never understand. Fun post!
My recent post You’re Not Ready for This
Children are definitely a mystery! 😉
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
LOL! I agree with you..my question is why can't carrots taste like cupcakes? I would be so much thinner! I hope you are doing well my friend & getting over that cold!
My recent post Simple Meatball Soup
Oh, carrots should taste like cupcakes! That sounds fabulous to me!
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
Good point on the Cheetos vs. carrots.. Making a note to myself as Cheetos are my very favorite snack! 🙂 Hope you're feeling better. – Visiting from The Spin Cycle. – Happy Monday!
My recent post Obits Obsession – WHY? – The Spin Cycle
I love Cheetos, too, which is why I should never buy them! I find it hard to share. 😉
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
Why indeed? My kids would rather eat cheetos too. Not me!
My recent post Spring Is Delayed, Breakout The Snowball Shoes
That's good! Cheetos and other things that make my fingers yellow are just too tempting for me.
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}
I'm with you on the carrots thing. I stopped putting any sweets or fruit snacks in Leo's lunch because he would always send home the carrots or apples or applesauce. HOpe you feel better! The sniffles are going around our house as well.
My recent post WHY
My kids rarely get anything sweet in their lunches for that same reason! Except on Fridays…then maybe I pack a treat. 😀
My recent post Why {Spin Cycle}