Ten Things I’ve Never Done

10. I’ve never gone on a date with Shaun Cassidy. Now due to the whole marriage thing (mine, of course) it’ll probably never happen. What’s worse, the oldies station doesn’t even play his music. (Da doo ron ron ron, da doo ron ron!)

9. I’ve never traveled to another continent. (Although I could practically see one when I went to Alaska.)

8. I’ve never finished knitting the scarf I started, oh, about two years ago. 

7. I’ve never been a parent to teenaged girls. (Do I have to?)

6. I’ve never been to Disney World. (gasp!)

5. I’ve never gone sky diving. (And I probably never will.)

But I did go on a zip line!

4. I’ve never liked watermelon. (And I probably never will.)

3. I never went to prom. (And I probably never will.)

2. I’ve never owned a horse. (When I was in fourth grade, I was going to buy a horse and a ranch to keep it on if I ever won a million dollars.)

1.  I’ve never ridden on a burro to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

There you have it! Ten things I’ve never done, and some day, I hope to do about half of these things. (I’ll let you figure out which ones!)

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6 Replies to “Ten Things I’ve Never Done”

  1. I never went to my prom(s) either….. boo hoo! I DO love this list…. I'm going to make my own!!!! Well done, Ginny Marie…. Happy Thanksgiving…Love, AnneMarie

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