Turning Back Time: Inspiring Women

Our small, rural town did not have a public library. However, our small Lutheran school did have a library, and when I was old enough to go to school, I was thrilled to find this treasure-fold of books.

While the boys in my class were off in the corner behind a book shelf giggling at National Geographic magazine photos, I was inspired by the biographies I discovered. I read about Nellie Bly and Annie Oakley. Annie Oakley inspired this tomboy because of the image of the Wild West that she brought to mind. Not only did her sharpshooting skills impress me, but the fact that fellow sharpshooter Frank Butler wanted to marry her because she was better than him at shooting was an amazing thought.

During her travels as a sharpshooter, Annie Oakley met Sitting Bull, who gave her the name Little Sure Shot. Although she was a part of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, she never ventured west of the Mississippi. She continued to display her sharpshooting skills well into her 60’s.

What an inspiring woman Annie Oakley was for this schoolgirl!

Did you write about a woman who inspires you? Link up your post below!

Women’s History Month continues all week at Lemon Drop Pie; be sure to come back soon for more posts about inspiring women!

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9 Replies to “Turning Back Time: Inspiring Women”

  1. I saw that documentary too. It was so interesting and what an inspiration she was to so many many little tom-boy girls out there.

  2. We used to live in a town with a library, but there was also a travelling library that came every Friday. I would get some books, read them and bring them back to get a new batch on the same day! For some reason they didn't like that very much…

  3. I thought of you today at the library where they have women's accomplishments on display…that is books that address women's accomplishments. I would say Suzanna Wesley for me.

  4. I don't remember seeing anything on Annie but I always thought Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's teacher) was pretty awesome for helping Helen work through her disability.

  5. I was so into Annie Oakley (via Annie Get Your Gun). So, now that I'm a Texan and I own a gun, I'm a little embarrassed about my bad aim (poor aim?). Annie would be horrified! I am loving these turn back time posts, Ginnay Marie! Is this going to be regular?

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