Sophomore year found me a little wiser, a little less timid, and I found the courage to try out for…
But wait! I’m sure you are wondering — What did I do during the summers?
The summers before my freshman and sophomore years, I took summer school. My parents thought it would be a good idea to take summer school classes before school started in the fall, so that I could get used to the huge building and meet some other kids. I took two short classes: Consumer Education, where I learned how to balance a checkbook, and Typing. Today I’m typing on a laptop keyboard instead of an electric typewriter, but I still use the touch typing I learned in typing class. I still remember the girl who sat next to me in typing class wore a Frankie Goes to Hollywood T-shirt. All the cool kids had one.
Before my sophomore year, I took Driver’s Ed during summer school. And while I wasn’t thrilled about taking classes during the summer, they allowed me to take an elective during the school year that I really wanted to take: choir. Being in choir gave me the courage and opportunity to try something new. In the spring, I auditioned for the school musical, and made it into the chorus! After weeks of after school rehearsals, learning how to be on stage, and memorizing song lyrics…I performed along with other cast members on stage two weekends in a row for the musical Guys and Dolls. My role? Rich Texan Wife touring The City with her husband!
Every year the Art Department would have a contest. Art students would design a logo for the musical, and the winner’s artwork would go on posters, T-shirts, and programs. Ten years after I was in Guys and Dolls, my high school chose it as the school musical again. My little sister, now attending my alma mater, won the art contest that year.
Musicals were one of my favorite things about high school! The following year I became involved in another activity that was also right up my alley….

Janna of Mommy’s Piggy Tales began a project to share our youth with our children. Every Thursday, I will tell a story about my childhood as if I were telling it to my children. At the end of this project, I’ll have a collection of stories about my childhood for my children to keep, and hopefully treasure.
That's so neat! What a wonderful artistic outlet!
How totally neat!!! I love that your sisters designed won years later!!! Yea for musicals…I wished I had done tried that. Yea! for confidence in 10th grade…life seemed to even out at this age, better than 8th grade!!!
I'm glad you were able to jump right in to those activities and high school musicals are GREAT! My kids did them too, and they were so much fun!
Oh Ginny Sweetie…I love this story today. You are a very good story teller. Can't wait to hear where we go next.That was really very wise of your parents to have you take Summer school, as it would allow you to get to know a couple of people and at least know where the classes were in the school. I remember that first day, being so small and seeing the bigger older kids. How scary it was.I too loved choir, but never did persue it. I ended up in track. Loved running.Wasn't drivers ed fun? It was free when I went to school. Now if kids want to take it, it costs money here in Phoenix. I was appauled when I heard that. Actually when I finished drivers ed we were able to go and take our driving test in the drivers ed car. Oh I will save that for a story write. I so enjoy listening to your stories sweet friend. I will see you next week. Hope you are having a good one.Many hugs and much love, Sherry
How fun! I got to accompany a musical on violin my senior year and had a blast with it. I wish I had had more courage to try out for choir…it always looked like so much fun!
Great story! How fun to learn so many talents that young (like balancing a check book and stage presence)
That is a great musical! And how brilliant that you were in it. (Can I just ask (since I am a blonde Dutch woman), what age is Freshman/Sophomore etc?)
How fun! I got to accompany a musical on violin my senior year and had a blast with it. I wish I had had more courage to try out for choir…it always looked like so much fun!
Mara…I'll answer for my wife. Freshmen are usually 14-15 and sophomores are usually 15-16. See Ginny, I'm useful once in a while!Ed
I love the designs! So cool your sister got to do that 10 years later! I remember the Frankie shirts, but I never had one…Now I am going to sing that song all day LOL!
I LOVE how you keep us coming back. It's so cool that you and sister were involved in the same musical yet differently! I loved theatre, too!
"Guys and Dolls" was my first musical that I was in! I listen to the soundtrack every now and then, and it really brings back old memories:)Thank you for sharing!Love,C:)Memories by Christine scrapbookinghttp://mbcscrapbooking.blogspot.comLink up your projects every Thursday!Make your baby album with MBC! Workshop begins September 13
Sounds like you had a great time!
It's great to see you building your courage and confidence. Little did I know at 30 I would still be in the process of growing in courage and confidence:)
I sometimes wish I had stayed involved in theater during high school, but there's only time for so much… I think the connection with your sister's artwork is too cool!