At Least My Shutter Finger is Happy

I’ve been taking oodles and oodles of pictures this summer for all those scrapbooks that never get made and all those blog posts that are never written. I’ve also been…

…collecting swag of my own. Oh, yes, I’ve been reading posts from those of you who attended the BlogHer conference in NYC and received so much swag that you had to ship boxes of it home, you poor things. This awesome water bottle was won by me after I participated in the summer reading program at our library, for which I read two Robert B. Parker books. Reading about Jesse Stone is no chore, y’all.

…baking a cake for my little Emmy’s birthday. She’s three! We haven’t been working very hard on potty-training her, but after she turned three, she trained herself. She is now a proud fairy-panties wearer. Fairies as in Tinker Bell, people.

…making decorations and posters for Vacation Bible School and…

…rewriting scripts, organizing volunteers, learning songs, and doing skits, all those jobs that come along with being the director of Vacation Bible School. Our VBS rocked, if I do say so myself!

…getting a make-over from my children. My sister was in from California, making me wish once again that she lived closer to us.

All this, and going to the pool, entertaining out-of-town guests, attending my little sister’s art show…so much to write, so little time!

What’s been taking up your time this summer?

13 Replies to “At Least My Shutter Finger is Happy”

  1. Glad your little one is doing so well with the potty training! Sometime new panties do the trick. Thanks for sharing your VBS pics. I was unable to help with ours this year & I really missed it!

  2. Warning on those metal water bottles, they make the water taste…metallic. ;)It sounds like you're having a wonderful summer. Swag is overrated. That cake looks delicious though. And congrats on the potty training. Being diaper free is a life changing experience. 🙂

  3. Congrats on the swag. I LOVE the birthday cake. And good for you for heading up VBS. Jude had a great time at the one he went to here, but man, those directors worked their butts off!

  4. Happy (belated) birthday Emmy. And I love your make-up. It's funny to see how children see make-up and what to do with it (and what colours to use). You look brilliant!

  5. I'm with you on the scrapbooks that never get made!! My son's stops at 4 months old … he is almost 6 now. I doubt it will ever get done.Love that flower cake!! So cute!! And she trained herself!! Wonderful! I found myself that you really can't make it happen. It happens when they decide it will happen and then it is easy.Sounds like you've been super busy!!

  6. I like your swaggy water bottle. Sounds like you've got a lot going on this summer! I love that cake, you've got mad skillz.

  7. Sounds like a good summer! I've been avoiding the humid, 90+ temperatures we've had for MONTHS and trying to keep my kids from killing each other. School starts SOON. 🙂

  8. Sounds like a fun summer. I some several posts on the goodies they got ~ OMG ~ I want to go just for the gifts.

  9. Wow, you've had a busy summer! It all looks like fun though! :)And congrats on winning a water bottle. 🙂 And that cake looks fabulous! Happy Birthday to Emmy. 🙂

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