Meme’s the Word! (May 2-May 8)

Did you participate in a meme or blog hop this week? Link up your post here at the end of every week, and get more for your meme!

Here are a couple of new memes in town:

Christine at Memories by Christine is hosting a whole month of blog hops about engagements and weddings! Can you feel the love?

Fiona at Bantering Blonde hosts Top 5 Friday:

“Top 5 Friday is the meme of all memes! How many bloggable moments, thoughts, experiences do you jot down each week? If you are like me, the answer is TONS! Don’t let all of that brilliant insight go to waste, join us and list you top 5 (or fewer) unwritten blog posts of the week.”

Now it’s your turn; tell us what memes you participated in this week!

  1. Link up using the direct URL to your meme post. If you participated in more than one meme, go ahead and link more than one post!
  2. Visit a few links, and leave substantial comments. You don’t have to write a novel; just write a nice comment that shows you actually read the post!

Since this isn’t a usual meme, there’s no need to write a separate post for “Meme’s the Word.” Publicize this meme in whatever way you would like. If you love buttons, add the meme button to your side bar. Or you could add a little sentence to the bottom of your meme post saying something like this: “I’ve also linked this post to “Meme’s the Word!” on Saturdays at Lemon Drop Pie.”


5 Replies to “Meme’s the Word! (May 2-May 8)”

  1. I am still so excited that you started this Meme! I really with I could have done Fiona's (Bantering Blonde) Top 5 Friday's Meme, but my cable was out.Have a great weekend!!

  2. I think I only do WW and even that I'm inconsistent with. The pressure of a meme kills me…

  3. This sounds like fun. I got an award and was tagged with a meme.Have a beautiful Mother's Day. ((HUGS))

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