The Dreaded "F" Word

Yesterday, the girls and I spent all afternoon outside. It was a beautiful day, hovering around 60 degrees. It was one of those days where I went back and forth between wearing my sweatshirt and taking it off.

Today, it’s 10 degrees cooler, and tonight there will be patches of FROST — the reason Mom always advised me to never plant annuals until after Mother’s Day!

Waiting for warmer weather,

6 Replies to “The Dreaded "F" Word”

  1. Isn't that the truth. I have been itching to get annuals in the ground but know I need to wait a bit longer!

  2. You know, I was outside to get the mail today and my F word is FREEZING!!! I couldn't believe how brisk and cold it is. I'm ready for spring and it's just not arriving! So glad I'll be moving south in a few months!

  3. Your weather sounds so similar to what I am used to. I grew up in Wisconsin and I remember in April and May it could be cold, rainy with frost or it could be warm and sunny with temperatures in the eighties. And the weather changed rather quickly too. I hope it gets warmer for you soon!

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