Like Pennies From Heaven, Only Better

Have you ever seen that commercial where shoes start falling from the sky? A woman driving her car jumps out, and scoops up all the shoes she can grab and throws them into her car.

The same thing happened to me! Well, maybe shoes didn’t really fall from the sky….

The doorbell rang yesterday, and the mailman left a huge box outside my door. It was full of…you guessed it…SHOES! Four pairs of spankin’ brand new pairs of shoes, and one pair of slippers.

My sister sent them to me as a surprise. That was only the best surprise…EVER!

Just one of my new pairs of shoes!

Ed getting in on the picture-taking action in our kitchen at 9:15 tonight.

I’m going to go add socks to the shopping list.

4 Replies to “Like Pennies From Heaven, Only Better”

  1. what a nice surprise! I got a pair of high heels sent to my place that I didn't order. Must have been someone putting in the wrong address on their order form, shame coz they really are too small for my big mans feet (and maybe i'd look silly wearing them, being a man and all that)


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