Random Tuesday Thoughts:

Yesterday I was totally without the Internet for most of the day. I couldn’t fix it myself, so I had to wait for my hero, Ed, to come home, and get the darn computer back on line. I hate that! I like to be able to do things MYSELF! (Boy, I sound like a certain toddler I know.) I lived alone for over 10 years, and was very self-sufficient. That was already quite a few years ago; we’ve been married for six years. I didn’t own a computer back then, and I didn’t need to do computerish stuff. Ed doesn’t even know exactly how he got the Internet is working. It was like voodoo, he said. So I entirely expect to turn on the laptop in the morning, and totally not be able to get online again.

Are you so wrapped up in the blogging community that if one of your favorite bloggers doesn’t post for a few days, you begin to worry? I don’t…no, not me….

As a stay at home mom, I really enjoy being able to read other people’s blogs. Some days, like yesterday, I go stir crazy when I can’t get online. Maybe I should have days when I take an Internet break voluntarily. I seem to be addicted.

Ed joined Facebook a few weeks after I did. When I signed up, he said he would never join Facebook. Then when he did join, he said he wasn’t really going to do anything on it; he would just contact old friends through email instead. HA! Now he’s writing a status every day and has more friends than I do. What a bum! Next he’ll start a blog, and have more followers than I do. Everything is NOT a competition, Ed! Talk about addictions.

Not only did I not own a computer ten years ago, I also did not have a dishwasher. I think I have not had a dishwasher for most of my life. My parents used to joke that they had four dishwashers; Ginny and her three siblings.

Ed and I have lived in this house for five years, and the dishwasher has broken a couple of times. The first time, I bought a new dishwasher, but when the man came to install it, he said there wasn’t enough clearance between the counter and the floor. He had to take the dishwasher back to the appliance store. The previous owner had placed a new Pergo floor right on top of the old floor, and so the dishwasher is “floored in.” Dang!

I cried that day. My new dishwasher had a stainless steel interior!

Now the dishwasher needs to be repaired yet again, or we need to figure out how to get a new dishwasher. We haven’t decided what to do yet. I still have a couple of greasy pans in the sink, waiting for me.

This is more of a gripe session than random thoughts.

Visit Keely over at The Un-Mom for much more randomness!


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