Did you miss me yesterday?
After last week’s hectic yet wonderful Vacation Bible School mornings, I was decidedly lazy yesterday! But The Spin Cycle is still on for this week!
For the past couple of Sundays, our pastor has been encouraging us to list 3 blessings every day. Ed and Lily have been writing them down religiously 😉 . I, however, have not! What better place to write about my blessings than on my blog AND to use it as a Spin Cycle Prompt?

Share 3 good things that have happened to you this week OR you could even share 3 blessings for each day this week, Monday thru Friday. Just open your draft post every day and type in three things. By Friday, your blog post will be done!
What a lovely idea for a blog post!
This Busy Life recently posted…Faith Drives Out Fear
Great prompt, but I will most likely be off the grind with the 4th of July by the end of the week and just wanted to stop by and wish you a wonderful holiday weekend 😉
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