Then and Now: 2003 to 2013

Ed and I were newlyweds ten years ago. Ten years seems like such a long time; we’ve been married for a whole decade. And yet those years have passed by quickly at the same time. How can that be?

Ten years ago we lived in a condo and we were wondering if I would be able to have children after all my past health issues.

Now we live in a typical split-level suburban house cluttered with little girls’ dolls and stuffed animals and socks.

Climbing Dunn’s River Falls in Jamaica on our honeymoon, ten years ago
The two of us surrounded by family, building snowmen in Iowa
The two of us surrounded by family, building snowmen in Iowa

These ten years have been good to us.

Mama’s Losin’ It

I’m writing about “5.) Find a photo of yourself taken 10 years ago and display it on your blog along with a current photo. How have you changed since the day that photo was taken?” for Writer’s Workshop today.


Love/Hate Resolution Relationship

hate One of the reasons I don’t like resolutions is that they just don’t happen. I resolve to lose 20 pounds and they just don’t come off. Eat healthier? That doesn’t stop me from having a late night bowl of ice cream. Write more! Who can find the time? I certainly can’t. Life just keeps getting busier and busier.

I used to be the one who would sign up for step aerobics and attend class faithfully. (Yes, this was years ago. No one knew what Zumba was back then.) The classes would be busting at the seams in January. I would have to squeeze into the back corner of the room and if I was really unlucky, there wouldn’t be any steps left. I would have to do the routine on the floor, which was good, but not good enough. I couldn’t wait for all those New Year resolution-ers to give up.

Slowly, they filtered away, and by March, our class was the steady group of faithful attendees, and there was plenty of room (and aerobic steps) for everyone.

I haven’t been the faithful exercise class attendee for years.

And that’s why I

I lovelove New Year Resolutions. Every January, we have a chance to start over. To start again, make some goals for ourselves, and try to accomplish them. To revive old resolutions that we once accomplished and want to try again. To “keep on keeping on.” (Bonus points if you know which 2012 best seller that quote is from!)

I just love fresh beginnings. Don’t you?

I resolve to EXERCISE MORE!

Mama’s Losin’ It

I’m writing about 4.) Resolutions. Love’em? Hate’em? Tell us why. Make one? Talk about your resolutions or goals for 2013 for Writer’s Workshop today. Gretchen over at Second Blooming prefers the term “missions.” Stop by again tomorrow to read my Spin Cycle post on 5 missions for 2013!
