In August and September, we have taken several little mini-trips around the mid-west, and I have been meaning to write about all of them. In August, we went camping. Remember this post? To camp or not to camp: Ed and I decided that it is too much work setting up and breaking down camp to spend only one night in a tent. It was a great experience, except for when I had a meltdown at dinner time. (Cooking dinner on a campfire? Whose great idea was that?) Lily is relaxing in this picture, after all that hard work setting up the tent!
Lily’s favorite stop of the day had nothing to do with camping; it was at Mars Cheese Castle. We bought a lot of cheese, including cheese curds, so we could squeak them between our teeth. Lily thought this was really neat, since we had just read about Laura and Mary eating cheese curds in Summertime in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I will post more about some of our other mini-trips soon!