If I didn’t have a profile picture, that wouldn’t bother me a bit. You know what I mean, don’t you? Showing a picture of myself online where the whole world can see my flaws…a little scary, isn’t it?
However, I think it’s nice to put a face with a name. If I like to see how you all look, it’s not fair if I don’t show you what I look like!
I first started using a profile picture when I joined Facebook. My favorite profile picture was one my cousin took of Emmy and me when she was a baby.
Babies grow up, however, and so I needed a new profile picture for Facebook. Plus, I had joined the world of blogging. All of a sudden I needed a profile picture for Blogger. And then for Twitter and Gravatar. And Google+ and Pinterest and Blogfrog….
Since I seem to be the picture taker in the family, most of my profile pictures have been ones I take of myself. There was the profile picture that was actually of my profile, which my brother said, “Take it down! It doesn’t look like you!” There’s the one I took with my webcam, which my husband declared was “freaky.” Too bad if you want to see them…I’m not going to show them to you.
The latest profile picture I used was one that Lily took, which I thought was pretty good. But just last week I got new glasses, so the quest to have a new profile picture began once again. Here’s one picture I took of myself. It’s my studious look.
And here’s what was going on behind me as I took this self-portrait.
I haven’t actually changed any profile pictures yet. The thought itself is exhausting!