Robin Kramer’s book, Then I Became a Mother, is not your ordinary mothering book. She doesn’t write about the latest baby product that you have to buy. She doesn’t tell you to let Baby cry it out, or that crying it out will psychologically damage your baby. Robin doesn’t weigh the pros and cons of breastfeeding versus bottle feeding, or staying at home versus working after the baby is born.
Quite the opposite. Robin’s advice to new mothers is timeless. She writes about how all families are different and how to trust yourself as a mother. Robin comforts and consoles new mothers in her book, and also tells stories about her own mistakes and triumphs as a mother. Robin gives sage, motherly advice that you can turn to with your first baby, and then read again when you are expecting your second baby, and then your third baby!
When I think back to when my oldest daughter was born, I remember a time of anxiety and worry, but also one of wonder and excitement. Having a baby really does change everything. All of a sudden, my husband and I were in charge of another little human being. It was so easy taking care of Lily when I was pregnant; and a much different task once we brought her home from the hospital and she cried and cried and cried! In the early hours of the morning, I threw myself on the couch in tears, covering my ears with pillows so I wouldn’t hear her cry. I didn’t know how I could be a mother.
Fortunately, Ed and I soon figured out that I wasn’t making enough milk for Lily. (I’m a breast cancer survivor and have only one breast.) I breastfed her when I could, and Ed supplemented her feeding with a bottle. Lily soon became a chunky, happy baby! By the time Emmy came along, the whole parenting thing was a little easier.
Robin, the mother of three children, takes us back in time to when her oldest daughter is a baby. She writes about the same emotions I felt as a first time mother; the same fears and worries and changes that come along with that tiny little newborn in the baby carrier. Then I Became a Mother is a perfect companion to that little bundle, and every new mother should read it!
Then I Became a Mother is available at Amazon. As I read it I smiled often at the memories of becoming a mother myself. Robin sent me a copy to read and review, and I’m so glad she did! You can also connect with Robin on her website, Robin Kramer Writes. You’ll be glad you did!