New Parent Blunder

Lily was three months old at the beginning of 2005. We were in Peoria, visiting my sister, and we stayed in a hotel with a pool. We thought it would be great to take Lily swimming for the first time. We didn’t have a bathing suit for her, so we just put on a onesie instead.

Lily was very laid back in the pool. Doesn’t she look chubby for a baby who needed to have frequent weight checks right after she was born? Due to my mastectomy 14 years ago, we needed to supplement Lily’s diet with formula for about two months before I was able to breastfeed her exclusively. By the time she was three months old, we didn’t have any worries about her weight!

Lily fell asleep in the water while I was holding her. Ed snuggled with her bundled up in the towel. He was going through a phase of “letting his hair grow.” Now he cuts his hair two-three times a month so that it is very, very short. You know, because of his “high forehead.”

Our parent blunder? Apparently babies should not be in chlorinated water before they are six months old! Oops!

I’m linking up to LT’s Take Me Back Tuesday!

A Day With Two


The Hawk Is Back, for a Little While

Emmy is growing by leaps and bounds. At 16 months, she is not a baby any more. She is learning new words every day. I just handed her a little piece of cheese, and she said, “Da goo.” (Thank you!) She is also growing more sure of herself in physical activities. I don’t worry about her around the stairs as much any more, since she has learned to go down as well as up. She will get on all fours at the top of our stair case, sometimes several feet away from the top step, and back herself up to the top step to crawl down backwards. She knows how to scootch off beds and couches, too. So I have been a little lax about watching her like a hawk.

Yesterday we went to Lily’s preschool for her holiday program, and all the adults were sitting on the itsy, bitsy preschool chairs. Emmy wanted to sit on one, too, so I placed her on the one next to me, turned to watch the program, and BOOM! Face plant! Emmy was on the floor, crying. I felt like the most neglectful parent ever. Her nose was bleeding, her mouth was bleeding, and she was screaming bloody murder. Ed and I took her out, and after we wiped up some of the mess, she looked okay, but she did have a fat lip. This did not, however, prevent her from downing the multitude of cookies her guilt-ridden mother fed her! One preschool mom who has several boys reassured me that her boys always look beat up and bloody. Ahh, the solidarity of parenthood.