What I Really Want for Mother’s Day {Spin Cycle}

A couple of weeks ago, Ed asked me a responsible husband question. What do I want for Mother’s Day?

I really needed to think about this. Ed’s usual M.O. is “secretly” taking the girls to Carson Pirie Scott on Saturday morning. They usually come back with some “beautiful” jewelry that the girls have picked out. (Their taste is slowly improving as they get older.)

I thought about telling him I didn’t want anything, but that wouldn’t quite be true. What I really want is to spend Mother’s Day without any obligations. Of course, in our lives, this isn’t possible. Our church choir always sings on Mother’s Day and I usually have to teach Sunday School. Somehow, during a rare insightful moment, I arranged for my partner to teach this Sunday so I only have to sing with the choir.

Ed is a very good son, which makes him a very good husband and father. But he likes to spend time with his family on Sundays. Another obligation.

A couple of years ago, I got out of all our obligations on Mother’s Day. Lily was running a fever all weekend long, and she sometimes throws up when she has a fever. She spent most of the weekend on the couch in our living room with a throw-up bowl next to her. Ed tried to cheer her up and started dancing. He tripped on the bowl and sprained his ankle so badly that I called his sister to take him to Immediate Care. That Mother’s Day, we canceled all our plans and when Lily started feeling better, we ended up at Steak ‘n Shake. I certainly don’t want another Mother’s Day like that one!

I supposed I need to give up the idea of having no obligations. I get breakfast in bed (remind me to go buy bagels and cream cheese on Saturday) and I have two beautiful daughters who wake me up early to give me breakfast in bed. I have a loving husband who responsibly takes care of his obligations.

So I’ll tell you what I told Ed.

Back when I was in college, I bought a demin jacket. At the time, I thought it was amazing. However, it was the early 90’s and this jacket was very fashionable. The denim was acid-washed and the jacket was baggy. It did not hold up to the test of time. Pretty soon, my jacket was not fashionable and I began to wish that I had an ordinary, regular fit denim jacket.

Now that denim jackets seem to be coming back into style, I want an ordinary, regular fit denim jacket.

That shouldn’t be too hard to find on the Saturday morning before Mother’s Day, should it?

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

What do you really want to get for Mother’s Day? Or, if you could give your mother anything for Mother’s day, what would it be? Link up your post below, and don’t forget to visit my co-host Gretchen at Second Blooming!
