It was Saturday. Dad would be talking about his sermon for the weekend. “I need to go work on my sermon,” he would say. Naively, we would ask, didn’t he have it written already? “It’s all up here,” he would say, tapping his head. “I’ve been thinking about what I want to say.”
This morning, I’m working on a guest post for Gianna of Sweet Peas & Buddies. My deadline is today. Yikes! Not to worry, Gi, (picture me tapping my head) I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I’ll send it out later today! Both the girls are at school, and the house is quiet at last!
Another new project I have undertaken is quilting. I have just started sewing, and have always wanted to try quilting. My mom was a wonderful quilter. We have several of her quilts that we snuggle under all the time. Seriously, if I wasn’t under a deadline, I’d run upstairs and take a picture of the last quilt my mom made for Emmy. But that will have to wait.
Instead, I’ll show you the quilt squares I made last week. I’m taking this amazing free course at, and I’m learning so much! On the top left is the Asterisk block, and next to it is the Wonky Pound Sign block. On the bottom left is the Balkan Puzzle Block. Hopefully this week, I’ll fill in that empty spot with the Chunky Chevron block!
What are some of your projects this week?
Look for that guest post next Wednesday!