Emmy had been planning her Earth Day for months. She had a specific plan in mind. We were going to don gardening gloves and walk around the neighborhood, picking up trash.
Fortunately for us, the weather was sunny. It was very windy and chilly, but that didn’t stop us! I carried a bag for trash, and Emmy carried a bag for recyclables. She was very proud of all the things we collected to help clean the Earth!

Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin
I have been waiting for Earth Day to share this book with you! This cute book is a fictional account of a worm’s life, with some facts about earthworms mixed in. This little boy worm loves scaring his big sister, needs reminders not to eat his homework, and is taught that it is a worm’s job to take care of the earth. It’s a great book to read to kids, especially in the spring. We have had several rain showers that have brought the worms out onto the sidewalk, and the girls are especially mindful of not stepping on the worms!
Did you remember that Earth Day is April 22? Never mind if you didn’t…after all, every day is Earth Day!