It took less than five minutes for Emmy to tip-toe out of her room after I had put her to bed. “I can’t sleep!” she exclaimed.
“You’ve barely tried,” I told her as I put her back in bed.
“I want it to be Christmas tomorrow!”
I love seeing her excitement over the days to come. She is so cute, and she makes me remember how excited I was as a kid, counting the days down to Christmas.
There are so many things I love about this season.
I love seeing my daughters decorate the Christmas tree.
I love the lights shining in the snow.
I love hearing the Salvation Army volunteer ring the bell.
I love shopping for presents.
Yes, I even love the Christmas music at the mall. (As long as it’s December, I enjoy listening!)
In just a couple of weeks, I’ll be tired of the Christmas tree hogging the living room, and it will be time to put it away.
There will be no more Christmas music at the mall, and our neighbors will take down their lights that shine in the snow. The torn wrapping paper and ribbons will be thrown away.
All the wonderful things that “make the season bright” will be gone…except for the most important gift.
Jesus, the gift of Christmas, will still be with us.
What do you think? Is it the most wonderful time of the year? Link up below or over at Second Blooming! Your blog post will be linked on both our blogs!

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