The Blogging Bug Bit Me

After an extended time off from blogging, I have been bit by the blogging bug again and can think of nothing else but “What will my next post be about?”

I had my next post all set in my mind.  After jumping around in the blogosphere last night, I was going to snark on some bloggers who blog for a living. But then, Andy Bailey from CommentLuv had to go and make Lemon Drop Pie a featured blog on (I wasn’t going to be snarky about Andy.  I swear!) My first thought was “ACK!” I haven’t had a decent blog post in ages!

Want to know what my blog is all about?  Here are some past posts I like:

The Wedding Singers
Has nothing to do with the Adam Sandler movie, and everything to do with the love between sisters.

Weed Pulling
My paranoia at its best.

Some Simple Questions
A little snarky

Poisonous Cures
This post helped my husband understand an experience I went through before we were together.

Potato Soup
My most popular recipe!

Real life is now interfering with my blogging life.  Nap time is over, and play time is here.

I’ll snark later.  I promise!

I Have Gushing Book Nerd Potential

This week, someone noticed that Tomie’s Blog Blogger blogged about me last Tuesday and kindly let me know! Who is Tomie, you ask? Why, Tomie dePaola, of course! You can read what I wrote about him in this Book Nook. One of the reasons I love and follow Tomie’s blog is because he writes about conversations he has with children while visiting schools around the country. He also posts pictures that children have drawn for him. His blog reminds me of what it is like to be in the classroom; classrooms are wonderful places, full of energy and laughter. (Except during a spelling test, of course!)

Tomie’s blog also shows pictures of Tomie painting a gnu for a fundraiser in New London, New Hampshire.

Find more about Tomie dePaola at his website, And if you haven’t read any of his books yet, go find one and read!