AM or PM?

It’s late. Late for me. My brain starts to shut down at half past bedtime — that is, half past my daughters’ bedtime. By the time they are in bed, which isn’t really that late at all, I feel fried. Kaput. Ready for bed myself.

And yet, that’s the best time to blog. Not really the best time–just the only time I have some peace and quiet and time to myself.

My favorite time to blog, if I had a choice, would be in the morning. In the morning, I’m energetic. Ready to go and full of ideas. Not too early, mind you. For about a week, I was getting up around 6:00 and blogging before the girls were up. The timing was perfect. I usually had about 45 minutes before I heard the first stirrings. But then at least one of the girls…not always the same girl, mind you…started waking up at 6:00 and ruining my writing time.

One writer I know wakes up at 4:00 to write; I don’t think I’m ready to do that yet.

And then once the girls are up, we’re off and running. Breakfast, shower (for me), getting the three of us ready to walk out the door. Sometimes I manage to get a little blogging in, but it usually doesn’t work out that way.

Right now, I’m dragging. I’m in a fog. I’m ready be a couch potato. And yet here I sit, trying to drum up the creativity for another blog post. I haven’t published a post since Monday, and I feel like I need to write.

That feeling is fading fast. I’m going to change into my flannel pj’s, sip that hot cup of chamomile tea that’s waiting for me, and watch my recording of The Good Wife. This is all you’re getting out of me tonight.

It’s exactly 8:43 p.m.

What’s the best time for you?

Conversations Outside the Preschool Door: Are Your Kids Sleeping?

How many times have you had a great conversation with the other moms outside the preschool door–only to have the conversation end abruptly as the classroom door opened and a stream of preschoolers swarmed out?

My friends and I will set up playdates so that we can have mommy talks while the kids play. Sounds great, right? These conversations are rarely finished, interrupted by snack demands or urgent diaper changing needs!

These unfinished conversations are one of the reasons I started my own community on The BlogFrog. Maybe, just maybe, we can converse without interruptions! (I highly doubt it, but let’s give it a try!)

Here’s a question for you:

What do you do when your kids are in bed?

Join the Lemon Drop Pie Community to join the conversation, or tell me in the comments below.

When my kids are in bed, you will most likely find me blogging, or parked in front of the TV. Are any of you more ambitious than me?

I’m looking forward to having a conversation with you!