A Conversation I Shouldn’t Have Had to Have

Emmy and I had just taken Lily to school. I left Emmy playing in my bedroom while I jumped in the shower. As I came into the bedroom to get dressed, Emmy paused in her playing and looked at me.

“Mommy, why do you have only one nipple?” she asked.

I was prepared for this question; her big sister had asked me that very same question when she was about Emmy’s age.

“I had cancer, and the doctors had to take it off,” I answered, as I started getting my underwear and bra on.

Emmy thought about this, and then she said, “Did they use a special scissors?”

How to answer that one?

“Close — the doctors used a special knife.” I suppose a scalpel is a kind of a knife.

Showing empathy with my close encounter with said knife, Emmy then asked, “Did it hurt?”

Well, I had been knocked out for the actual surgery. “No, the doctors made sure it didn’t hurt,” I told her, not wanting to go into all the pain I did feel after the surgery.

Emmy followed me into the bathroom. I smeared lotion on my face while Emmy peered up at me.

“Mom, I want to look like a kitty-cat today,” Emmy declared.

My children know what I look like. They know, and they love me just the same.

I’m an AOW Supporting Blogger

Every so often, I step up onto my soapbox and try to recruit more women for the Army of Women. As a way to build exposure for Army of Women, I’m so pleased that I have been accepted as a Army of Women Supporting Blogger! When I blog about Army of Women, I love to read comments like this one:

This is the first I’m hearing about the Army of Women, and good for Avon for sponsoring it! I have a good friend living in Australia who I am going to forward the info to. She, her sister and her mother have all suffered from breast cancer. Thanks for sharing the link! ~Chris

You can join AOW even if you have never had breast cancer. You should join AOW even if you don’t know anyone who has breast cancer. (You know me, don’t you?) You can even join AOW if you’re A MAN! (Ed, have you joined Army of Women yet?)

The Army of Women recruits participants for various research projects. These studies need healthy women (and men) to help researchers find the CAUSE of breast cancer. Women who have never had breast cancer and who do not have a family history of breast cancer may be compared to women who do have breast cancer, to see what differences there are between all different types of women. This is why YOU SHOULD JOIN! There is no obligation, joining Army of Women is free, and all participation is completely voluntary.

Here’s another awesome comment I received after blogging about AOW:

Great post and I am so happy that you are a survivor. I joined the Army of Women! ~Debby

Read all about the current research projects that are going on now: Current Projects. Maybe, just maybe, you will be able to join a research project that helps us find the cause of breast cancer!