The Perfect Day {Tuesday Ten}

Perfect days don’t happen very often, if at all. What would it take to make a perfect day?

10. My perfect day would start by waking up with my husband next to me. On a normal morning, he leaves the house by 6 and I’m usually still in bed. Most mornings I don’t even see Ed! We’d start the day with a bottomless pot of coffee. Strong, black, wakes me up and yet doesn’t give me the jitters. The sun would be streaming into our kitchen and we could enjoy our coffee and the newspaper on the patio.

9. The kids would sleep in really late and not get up at 6:00 like they do now.

8. I would NOT get breakfast in bed. If you ever saw my breakfast in bed on my birthday and Mother’s Day, you would understand why. Breakfast in bed is such a sweet gesture by my children, but it’s so impractical and usually involves dry toast.

7. I would NOT have to pack school lunches. This is important. I’m sick of packing lunches!

6. I would have time to read a book. All. by. myself.

5. My perfect day would be filled creating wonderful things; I would be able to finish my quilt; write my book; paint my bathroom…and all my projects would get finished!

4. I would have my favorite lunch (I’m not sure what that would be, but it would be really fabulous and made by someone else) and the someone that made my lunch would also wash the dishes.

3. Have you noticed that my perfect day seems to be at my own house doing my own things? Of course, the perfect day would also be a fun-filled day with my family, having an outdoor adventure similar to our Grand Canyon adventure or our Alaskan adventure.
One of our family adventures.

2. A perfect day also includes 3 square meals, so a steak dinner like the one my husband and I had at Fleming’s would not be out of order.

1. I’d end the perfect day the way I began it; with my husband next to me.

Tuesday Ten is hosted by Lisa from The Golden Spoons and Rabia from The Liebers, and they wanted to know what a perfect day would look like. Visit their blogs for more Tuesday Ten!

What would make your day perfect?

Tuesday Ten

This perfect day may also fit the description of a Tall Tale! We’re spinning Tall Tales on the Spin Cycle this week; write a tall tale of your own and link it up any day this week to the Spin Cycle, co-hosted by Gretchen and myself! Click here for details.

Ten Wonderful Blogs {Tuesday Ten}

For Tuesday Ten this week, Lisa and Rabia are extending Valentine’s Day! To spread some love around, I am writing about Ten Blogs I Love. I’ve been blogging for almost six years, and have followed some wonderful blogs over the years. I can’t possibly list them all!

Here are ten blogs that I read, in no particular order; some are brand spanking new, some are new to me, and some are by long time blogging friends. I have a favor to ask; if you see a blog that is new to you, why don’t you pop by and leave a comment on their blog?

Tuesday Ten is hosted by Lisa from The Golden Spoons and Rabia from The Liebers. Visit their blogs for more Tuesday Ten!

What blogs do you love to read?

Tuesday Ten

signature Every week, Gretchen and I host the Spin Cycle blog hop! Be sure to join in and write your “Spin” about our weekly writing prompt. This week the prompt is Escape. Click here to link up your Spin!