An Open Letter to My Blog

Dear Lemon Drop Pie,

I am writing this letter to let you know I haven’t forgotten about you. Really. It’s just that I’ve been busy. Busy walking. This morning, for example, I woke up at 4:50 a.m. to get inan early walk before Ed left for work. Now, mind you, I didn’t get up when my alarm went off. I stayed in bed for an extra fifteen minutes, but eventually I got out the door. The air was crisp and clear, and I was able to walk two miles before six o’clock.

This past week, I walked a total of 22 miles, most of them on Saturday. Now, I’m not telling you this to brag, but to let you know where I’ve been. And no, I haven’t suddenly become a fitness guru, I’m just in training.

You see, I need to do something. I need to do more than write about being a breast cancer survivor; I need to do more than recruit women for the Army of Women by being one of their supporting bloggers. Writing and recruiting are both good things, and I’ll still be here, doing those things. But I also need to get up from my comfy chair and take action.

In June, I’ll be remembering that fifteen years ago I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life; to have a mastectomy. Not only that, but one of your faithful readers has been lost. Lost to breast cancer. Do you remember what she wrote in your comments once? CMJHMom said, “We need to know the cause [of breast cancer], not just create the warm and fuzzy images of ‘survival’. I am still a victim, but that will not stop me!! I have too many precious people in my life. And, as always, I do know that God and His grace are always with me.” Just a couple of days before she died, she told me she did not want to give up. She was not ready to go.

And so I’m going to fight for her. I’m walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago, and I’m going to be strong. I’m going to walk all 39.3 miles, no matter what.

The walk is still over 30 days away, and I’ve already been blown away by how generous people are. I needed to raise $1,800 to walk, and so many people are supporting me–including people who have never even met me! I’m amazed by their generosity.

One of these women is also a breast cancer survivor. Stacey, of Bringing Up Goliath, writes about surviving breast cancer in a very honest way. She first heard that devastating diagnosis two years ago, a diagnosis she never wanted to hear. For years she dreaded that she would hear that she had breast cancer, and her fears came true. You see, Stacey lost her mother to breast cancer. Stacey and her mom are two people for whom I’m walking.

Casey, writer of Half As Good As You, may have a potty mouth, but she is an incredible mother and she has a most generous soul. I have been hooked on Casey’s blog ever since I discovered it a couple of years ago. I’m so honored that Casey is supporting me in this walk!

I cannot praise Debby from Just Breathe enough. She has been following Lemon Drop Pie since she started blogging, and is the definition of generous. I once won her giveaway where she donated money to the American Cancer Society in memory of my mom. She is such a wonderful blogging friend!

I could go on and on about my friend and family’s generosity — I have already raised $2,005! It is my small wish that in raising this money, I will have played a part in finding the cause and a cure for breast cancer which may also lead to discoveries in research for other cancers.

And so, Lemon Drop Pie, you can see that I’ve been busy. But you are always in the back of my mind, and soon, I’ll start publishing posts more regularly. I promise!

Yours truly,
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Walking to the Music

Last week I won this awesome bumper sticker from Mommy Lisa, and I thought I should revise it for my training:

I’ll just slap this on my backside, and I’m good to go! I walked two miles today between rainy spells, singing along to my playlist. Thunder rumbled in the clouds above me just as I was headed for home, so I had good timing. I’m hoping the weather clears up so that I’ll be able to walk tomorrow morning.

Ten years ago, when I was walking in the Avon 3-Day Walk, I had trained in cool weather. The weekend of the walk was the first hot weather we had, and we just weren’t used to it. During the end of an exhausting second day, I remember walking along a bike path, alone. This song ran through my head as my feet pounded the ground:

I barely knew the words, but the words I did know were “I’m a survivor.” Those words played over and over in my head, keeping me going. I felt empowered. I was beating breast cancer. I was going to finish walking those twenty-some miles, no matter what. And I did.

Watching this video made me laugh. It’s so campy! But the strong words are still there; words to keep me going ten years later:

After of all of the darkness and sadness,
Soon comes happiness.

(No bumper stickers were harmed in the writing of this blog post, thanks to Photoshop Elements.)
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