Saturday Morning Review {The Cold Dish}

I’ve really enjoyed watching the first two seasons of Longmire on Netflix. Walt Longmire is a sheriff in Wyoming, solving crimes with his deputies in cowboy hats and tight jeans. I first started watching this show because one of the stars is Katee Sackhoff, who I liked in Battlestar Galactica. Lou Diamond Phillips also has a major role, and I’ve liked him as an actor for years.

When I saw that this TV show was based on a series of novels, I decided to read one.

The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson

Usually, when I read a book first and then watch the movie, I’m really disappointed when the movie doesn’t follow the book exactly. I’m a little finicky that way. I’m so glad I accidentally reversed the order for the Longmire mysteries. The first book of the series, The Cold Dish, by Craig Johnson, started off with a murder that the show had featured. However, the book twisted and turned the story much differently than the TV show, and the ending was a complete surprise. If I had read the book first, I would have been very disappointed in the TV show because most of the characters are completely different in the book.

Happily, though, I enjoyed the TV show first. Right now, Longmire has been cancelled but may make a comeback because it has a lot of fans rooting for it. If you are a mystery fan, you’ll enjoy both the TV show and the books by Craig Johnson.

4 Lemon Divider copy 4 out of 5 lemon drops for The Cold Dish, by Craig Johnson





How I Conquered The Goldfinch {Spin Cycle}

A few months ago, it seemed like everyone was talking about The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt. The description of the book sounded intriguing, so I put the e-book on hold at my library. The wait was long, and I finally got the book. However, I didn’t realize that it’s 771 pages long. I had two weeks to read it. Could I really finish it in only fourteen days?

I’m a fast reader and I don’t mind reading long books. Last summer, I reread The Lord of the Rings, which is well over a thousand pages, just for fun. However, reading a book that is familiar is easier than reading new material. Plus, I tend to read for enjoyment and am more of a literal reader. I don’t look for deeper meanings as I read. You might say I’m shallow.

I had one thing in my favor. It was the beginning of summer, and so I had more time to read than usual. I had a disadvantage, though…the book wasn’t catching my attention. I thought it would be more about the art world that it was. It was more about a 13 year old boy learning how to do drugs and build a lifetime of dependency on lying. I kept thinking as I read, “If only his mother were still alive!”

And perhaps that was the point of the whole book. I honestly don’t remember the flurry of words that happened at the end. But I do know that I was disappointed in the book as a whole. What kept me going was a determination to finish it before the library took it back. When an e-book is due, it disappears from my e-reader, and if I lost The Goldfinch, I was not going to check it out again. I was still desperately trying to finish the book on the day it was due. Somehow, I made it to page 771 and breathed a sigh of relief.

After finishing conquering The Goldfinch, I needed some light reading. My next book was Avenging Angel, by Nevada Barr. This book was familiar territory for me. I hadn’t read it before, but I’m a big Nevada Barr fan and have read most of her books.

There wasn’t much need to “conquer” Avenging Angel. I read it in two days! Good guys get the bad guys. Now that’s my kind of book.

Just this week, I was rewarded for my diligence. On the TV show The Good Wife, Alicia’s mother mentions The Goldfinch when she tries to change the conversation! I was like, “Hey! I read that!” as I watched the show.

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{week of Oct. 20 – At the ________ }
{week of Oct. 27 – Mask}
