I remembered to take a picture! It was a little chilly, but Lily doesn’t wear pants, ever. This outfit consists of her favorite long sleeve shirt, which I insisted on, and one of her favorite skirts. There are adorable dresses that we picked out for pre-school together hanging in her closet, but did she want to wear any of them on her first day of pre-school? Of course not.
Runs with Scissors
In preparation for pre-school, my sister suggested that perhaps Lily needed to learn how to use scissors. I haven’t seen the need for Lily to use scissors, but it is an important skill, so we bought her a blunt end pair of scissors. We taught her all the safety rules, how to hold them correctly, and to cut away from her body and clothes. Oh, yes, and cut only paper, and not Mommy’s very important papers. She was very awkward at first, but she was soon a pro at cutting. Her project shown here: baking a birthday cake. She is obsessed with birthday cake, but what woman isn’t?