It Doesn’t Always Work Out

I had this great idea tonight. I wanted to see the moon when it rose. It’s still close to being a full, “supermoon,” so I checked the paper to see what time moonrise would be today: 5:08 pm. I threw some pork chops and potatoes in the oven, got the girls to put on their shoes, and we headed for the park to see the moon.

Well, it turns out with all the trees we have, even at the park we couldn’t see the moonrise. We waited for about 20 minutes. The weather was gorgeous for a November evening; the sky was clear and the temperature was in the 50’s. The girls and I sat on the swings and talked. Before the moon could peek over the tops of the trees, we had to go home. I didn’t want my pork chops and potatoes to burn, plus I had to get Lily to a choir rehearsal.

Lily and I saw the full moon as we drove to her rehearsal, and it was beautiful.






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