When you look at this photo, what do you see? Do you just see an elderly woman?

That wasn’t a trick question. But when I look at this picture, I see so much.
I see her delicately fingering the brooch at her neck. It was a gift to her from my sisters and me. I can hear her laugh, as she says, “Well, I don’t know, this joke is rather crass but all the ladies at the old people’s home seem to like it,” as she proceeds to tell a joke that I certainly never thought I’d hear Grandma tell.
Her voice is in my head, as she tells me that in her later years she prefers to sleep in a little, and have some toast with jelly for breakfast. Her coffee is weak, but her cinnamon rolls are still as good as ever. It is one of my cherished recipes, written out in her own graceful handwriting.
I am baking cinnamon rolls this morning, so am going to try to tell you how to do it. It takes more than a recipe. It is a process.
Grandma loved all her grandchildren fiercely, and she loved her great grandchildren even more. She was a great blessing to us! Grandma died several years ago, but memories of her live on in all of her grandchildren.
Who’s been a blessing in your life? When you look at photos of that person, I’m sure you see more than what is apparent to the eye!

To me she looks like she knew what she wanted out of life. Plus, she looks very happy.
When I look at pictures of when my parents’ wedding, I wonder what they were thinking life would be like in 30 years.
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When you look at a photo of somebody you know/knew, it immediately brings back feelings and sounds and smells. I have that with my grandparents as well and wish I had gotten to know my grandfathers better (they both died in the mid ’80’s when I was in my teens).
For me it is the name as well as the face. My paternal grandmother had her name (Beppe, which means gran in Frysian, the language she spoke) and my maternal grandmother had her name (Oma, which is the Dutch version). Some said they were both grandmothers, but to me, just the name they were called was such a strong connection to them, I couldn’t imagine them being called something else.
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