Solo Road Trip: Part Two

Did you miss Part One? Click here!

I discovered the trick to getting Lily and Emmy to sleep in at a hotel. Usually the girls share a bed, and then they wake up early and start talking to each other. They want to go eat breakfast or are excited about swimming in pool, and there is just no sleeping in at a hotel. This time, however, Lily slept with me and Emmy had the bed to herself. While sleeping with a ten year old sqiurmy girl wasn’t so much fun for me, it did keep the girls from waking each other up the next morning! Since we had gotten to the hotel in Midland so late, I really wanted the girls to sleep in. And so we did!

The hotel didn’t have a complimentary breakfast, and my aunt and uncle found a place that made crepes for breakfast. Lily and I ordered Wilbur’s Special, which of course had ham in it. (Don’t you think it should’ve been a vegetarian crepe instead?) I also had the largest coffee they had, which came in a wonderfully large refillable mug!

Lily Midland

After breakfast, we took a walk around Midland. Not far from our hotel, there is the “Tridge,” a place where the river divides into two. The Tridge is a bridge with three sections, one going across each section of water.

bridge in MidlandIt was a beautiful Fall day, and we discovered the path that would take us to my cousin’s house. Our little downtown walk turned into a mile and a half walk, but no one minded. After all, there was more coffee at the end of the walk!

This isn’t quite all I had intended to write for Part Two; however, my computer is acting up and it’s late. Keep reading for Part Three; just click here!




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