
I had planned to write about our Fall walks during November’s NaBloPoMo. (Unfortunately, I blew it. NaBloPoMo, that is. Lily and Emmy had two friends over for a sleepover Friday night, and I completely forgot to write a blog post! Boo.)

We have had a gorgeous Fall, with lots of warm days and cool nights; beautiful leaves and dry weather; wonderful weekends to hike in the woods.

fall trees

We soaked in the sunny skies and jumped in leaves. Boy, did we ever jump in leaves! Ed piled up the highest leaf pile he’s ever made in our front yard. I have to admit, while I was raking it to the curb for the leaf trucks to pick it up last Thursday, I may have been cursing him and his leaf pile. But he just can’t resist. A little girl we know loves leaf piles so very much.

watermarked leaf pile

And then, on Friday night, the first snowflakes started to fall. And just like that, our beautiful Fall was over. The leaves haven’t even completely fallen off all of the trees yet.

Fall tree with snow

And now, it’s winter. The calendar doesn’t say that it’s winter yet, but the way the minivan slid around the snow-covered roads on the way to piano lessons yesterday said it was winter. The biting wind and snowdrifts say that it’s winter. Ugh. Winter is here.

snow covered tree

Until Wednesday, at least. Then the temperatures are supposed to go up and then we’ll get rain instead of snow for a wet and mild Thanksgiving. We’ll see about that.





11 Replies to “Blink”

  1. Going to get cold here tomorrow too and yet as it is my younger one’s birthday, I am just so excited that she is turning 5 tomorrow that I couldn’t care less the temperature it will be. But still you did great with the month’s challenge and sounds like you definitely had an eventful and fun weekend, too 😉

  2. The temperatures have dropped here as well. And we got some snow too. Although not nearly as much as you had.

    Well, if you were to write two posts for one day, would that count in making up the deficit?
    Mara recently posted…SnowMy Profile

  3. I miss the kids playing in leaf piles! Yes, it was a crazy Friday/Saturday with the weather. Not sure I want it to come, winter. Like you, I missed writing too. Had a birthday for my 25-year-old, the her brother came home from school and he turns out world upside down AND a different schedule. Hope we both get some writing in today!
    Gina recently posted…Four Generations of Pasta MakersMy Profile

    1. I’m glad I’m not alone in missing some writing! It’s definitely a challenge. Happy Birthday to your daughter! A quarter of a century is quite a milestone. 🙂
      Ginny Marie recently posted…BlinkMy Profile

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