Junk Drawer {#TuesdayTen}

What exactly is a junk drawer? My junk drawer has always been in the kitchen, not full of kitchen utensils but rather “junk,” an assortment of useful and not-so-useful items that don’t really have another home. Sure, you could keep a screwdriver in a tool box, but then you’d have go into the basement to grab a screwdriver every time you needed it, which turns out to be more often than you think! So where’s a better place to keep a screwdriver? In the junk drawer, of course!

In order to capture just what is in my junk drawer, I made a short vlog to show you some of my junk.

Do you have a junk drawer? What’s the most useful item in your junk drawer? Visit The Golden Spoons and The Liebers for more junk drawer finds!

The Golden Spoons

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10 Replies to “Junk Drawer {#TuesdayTen}”

  1. Your junk drawer looks so neat!! I have to laugh at your candles though. I’ve saved some of mine but not others. And last month my friend forgot to get candles for her daughter’s birthday cake. She was turning 6, so I brought her two threes! LOL!!
    Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…5am Junk DrawerMy Profile

  2. I used to have a junk drawer and it was filled with everything from bicycle tire repair sets to batteries to clothes pegs for some reason. But where I live now I only have one drawer and that is needed for cutlery. Which means I have to keep my junk all over the house. Clothes pegs in my clothes pegs container, batteries about everywhere and everything else is ????
    Mara recently posted…On the huntMy Profile

  3. I have a junk drawer all right. It’s called a 1994 Pontiac Grand-Am, and it has sharpies, crayons, soccer gear, a cardboard box, 11 empty soda cans, a Yoda Pez dispenser, someday drycleaning, remnants of a first-aid kit and bits of straw from a bale I bought a month ago.

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