A Shift in Routine

At the beginning of the week, I was dreading our new lack of routine. It rained all day on Monday, and the weather forecast was horrible. We were beginning our first full week of no school. I had no concrete plans. Summer really throws me off.

public library
Rainy day at the library

So that morning, we went to one of my favorite places–the library! We don’t go to the library very often during the school year, because the girls check out books from their school library. For school, they have to read at a certain level and take Accelerated Reader tests on the books they read. They were so excited about the chance to pick out books that they wanted to read; books that weren’t at at certain reading level or that they didn’t have to take a test on. This summer, part of our routine is simply going to be to read!

Lily and Emmy coloring on the new white board wall in the Discovery Zone.
Lily and Emmy coloring on the new white board wall in the Discovery Zone.

Our routine seems to have been flipped around. We used to be busiest in the morning, with orchestra for Lily starting at 8:00, school starting at 8:50 and me having to get to work before 9:00. After I taught preschool, I would go to the gym, run errands or do some chores, and then I pick up the girls from school. Homework was the next priority, and then dinner had to be made. Our days seemed to fly by!

This week, we have been lazy in the mornings. Instead of our day revolving around school, it revolves around swim team. Both Lily and Emmy are in swim team this year. We had to convince Emmy that she was ready, and so far, she is doing great! I have to plan what dinner will be early in the afternoon, (I’ll be making a lot of Crock Pot dinners this summer) and then I take the girls to swim team at 4:30. I use that time to go the gym.

Lily at a swim meet last year.
Lily at a swim meet last year.

Ed’s routine has been to go to the gym after work. We never used to see each other at the gym. But now, we meet at the gym. I usually get there first, and it’s always a thrill to see him walk in the door. It seems like we’re meeting on the sly; like we’re having an affair even though we’re married! I think it must be because going to the gym is something we both like to do that has nothing to do with the kids. It just ours, me and him.

After exercising, I go pick up the girls from swim team. Lily’s age group isn’t finished until 6:30, and we go home to eat a dinner that’s later than we’re used to. The girls fall exhausted into bed from all that swimming, and Ed and I follow soon after.

The weather this week wasn’t as horrible as the forecast made it seem; the sun is shining right now and it looks like it will be a beautiful day. The girls had some spontaneous playdates with friends, swim team was only canceled once, the house is relatively clean, and I’ve managed to keep everyone fed. I’d judge this as a successful week!

What about you? Do you have a morning routine? A summer routine? A retirement routine? Or are you spontaneous and throw routines out the window? Share your routine or lack of routine with us!

Link up your posts here! (If you are reading this in your email, visit my blog to link up and see other links.)

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6 Replies to “A Shift in Routine”

  1. That sounds like a good routine to me. Nice and lazy and summery and vacationy. Perfect!

    I was going to write about routine this week and in the end work got in the way. And trying to recover from last week’s work.

    Enjoy the rest of your summer routine.
    Mara recently posted…EgyptianMy Profile

  2. I think you know I cannot wait for summer and lazy mornings right now as these past few last weeks have been insane. One more week for us and then I can truly enjoy my mornings hopefully and think I might even take that week off from blogging (fingers crossed).
    Janine Huldie recently posted…Scream For My CalendarMy Profile

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