Becoming a Mom

On Mother’s Day, I woke up to the sound of noises in the kitchen. Thank goodness it was after 7:00! With the help of their daddy, the girls were making me breakfast in bed. Just a few minutes later, they presented me with a parfait; a fancy word for yogurt with blueberries and granola! Ed presented me with my coffee; he makes it perfectly every time.

It doesn’t seem like so long ago that I woke up one morning and called my mom, asking her about the cramping feelings I kept getting in my abdomen. She suggested that perhaps I was going into labor. At my already-scheduled doctor’s appointment, he confirmed what my mom had said, and just a few hours later Lily was born.


My mom had four of her own babies, so she knew a thing or two about going into labor. I was her first born. It must have been pretty cold outside; look at all those blankets wrapped around me!

mom bringing me home

There is nothing like holding that little bundle in your arms after you have been aching for months to see your baby. Even when you are exhausted beyond belief from having that newborn to care for, there’s just something magical about a baby. From the smell of a baby’s head to their sleeping eyelashes and curled up fists, a baby is just so precious. And demanding. Let’s not forget that.

Naptime on Mommy
Naptime on Mommy

And just like me in real life, I’m late. I had started this earlier in the week, but then…life happened.

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Next week: Teachers and Teaching As many school years wind down, it’s time to write about teachers! Remember a favorite teacher; write about a teachable moment as a mom; or tell a time you learned a lesson for The Spin Cycle.



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