Put a Ring On It {Spin Cycle}

The girls and I were just getting home from the movies on one of those cold, cold days we had last week. It was so cold that school was cancelled, and yet we still went out with our warm, reliable minivan to shop at Target and to see Annie. Ed was already home from work when we pulled into the garage, and he was looking around his car with a flashlight. I carelessly thought he must have lost a glove or his hat as the girls tumbled out of the van shouting their hellos to Daddy. As we walked in the house together, I casually asked, “Did you lose something?”

Ed gave me a stricken look and said, “Yes, my wedding ring.”


I tried not to panic as he told me all the places it could be. The cold weather made his fingers shrink, and his ring must have just slipped off. He remembered taking off his gloves and twirling it around with his thumb while he was driving home from work. When he got home, he stopped at the curb to get the mail from the mailbox, and then once inside, he did a load of laundry. We concluded his ring was either in the snowbank or in his laundry hamper.

Ed looked through his hamper and shook out the clothes carefully. I took his laundry out of the washing machine and checked his wet clothes and the inside of the washer. Nothing. Ed traipsed outside several times in the snow to look for his ring, but that was hopeless. Even worse, we were getting 2 more inches of snow that evening.

I hugged Ed and told him the ring didn’t matter; either it would turn up or we would get him another one and either way it would be okay. But that night as I lay in bed and listened to the snow plows go by, I kept imagining that they were pushing his wedding ring farther and farther up the street from our house.

The next day, I checked Ed’s hamper again. I looked carefully on the garage floor to see if it possibly could have ended up there. I carefully shoveled the snow by the mailbox, looking for any glint of metal.

Nothing. Ed sent me an email simply titled, “I Need a Ring.” After work, he went to the gym as usual. When he got home, he joked that all the women were busy checking him out without a ring on his finger. Mmm-hmm. He started quoting the Britney Spears song the gym plays all the time: “All eyes on us. All eyes on us.” Yup, one of the reasons I married him is because he makes me laugh.

That evening, Ed decided he should finish doing his laundry. He had been a little distracted the night before, so it didn’t get finished. When one load was in the washer, I thought I heard a clicking noise and saw a flash against the window of the washing machine door. I opened the door and found…a zipper that was making that racket.

Just as I was thinking we’d never find it, Ed came down the stairs, wearing his wedding ring! He had been pulling laundry out of the hamper for the FOURTH time, and his ring fell out onto the bathroom floor!

We went to the jewelry store last Sunday, and had that ring tightened. I’m glad to say that Ed is still a happily married man.

Have you lost something recently? Have you found it?

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15 Replies to “Put a Ring On It {Spin Cycle}”

  1. OH what a feeling of panic that washes over you as you realize your wedding ring is LOST! I know that feeling all too well. I lost mine twice! The first time we never did find it and ended up replacing it. Second time I lost it was just a few days ago. Jon found it on the bed, right where I had looked, a few minutes earlier. Crazy, huh? So glad Ed found his.
    Jenny recently posted…LostMy Profile

  2. I was all set to buy a metal detector to search the end of our driveway. I had also found a remarkably similar ring on Ebay for $11.99. Amazing!

    I still can’t believe that my ring just popped out of the dirty clothes I was pulling out of the hamper, considering how many times we had both search through them already. I’m really glad I found it though, and I’m also glad I got it re-sized. It feels way more secure now. There are, however, a lot of disappointed ladies at the gym!


  3. Oh, I’m so glad that Ed found his ring!!! Sorry he had 24 hours of stress:)
    Chris lost his ring in Hawaii once – he was on a “work” trip (military pilots have it rough sometimes!!). He didn’t tell me until he came home and he had been stressed for days. I was just happy it was his ring and not mine – lot easier to replace a simple band.
    Kim recently posted…Comparing Activity TrackersMy Profile

  4. Glad he found it. Bryan lost his and we were in a state of panic because not only is it a “symbol” but it was blessed in the church. Then of course his brother who is more devout than us has lost his 4 times. They joke the jeweler in town keeps his size ring in bulk.
    Sharon, The Mayor recently posted…Plea for PrayersMy Profile

  5. What a scary experience! I lost my keys in the snow a number of years ago. My dad actually did rent a mental detector when he couldn’t find it after two nights of looking. We ended up finding them on the other side of the snow bank that my car parks up against. What a sense of relief!
    A.J. Cattapan recently posted…Spin Cycle: LostMy Profile

  6. Yikes! Thank goodness it turned up! Aaron lost his ring once and just when we had concluded that Lainey must have thrown it away (she was 18 months and kept throwing our things away…my car keys, his wallet, etc) and it was gone forever – he found it!
    Nicole Hallford recently posted…(Not Very) Quick TakesMy Profile

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