It Comes and It Goes

The other night at dinner, I really wanted to order a beer.

But I didn’t. I was still feeling achy and had just taken some medicine, so I thought a beer wasn’t a good idea. Beer makes me tired, and then I get all crabby when it’s time to put the kids to bed because all I want to do is crawl into bed myself. Ed told me he had some beer at home, so I made him promise to make me have a beer after the kids were in bed.

I had such a taste for beer! Even so, by the time we got home and put the kids to bed, I went to bed myself. Ed said, “But what about your beer?” But it was too late…literally. This mom had had it.

at the Ronneburg
At the Ronneburg in Amana, Iowa

Really I’m not much of a beer drinker. Lately I’ve been more of a red wine drinker, but I don’t drink often. Tonight was the perfect night to have that beer. The girls are in bed sleeping soundly and I wanted to do a little writing. I had a taste for beer. And oh, did it taste good!

That taste for beer, it comes and it goes. If I have a taste for beer and don’t have one…then it might be a while before I crave beer again.

Ginny cooking at Christmas
Peeling potatoes for Christmas dinner

Usually I like to cook, but lately I’ve been off at dinner time. I can’t think of what to make and whatever I make tastes horrible (to me, anyway). I think this is partly because I lost my appetite when I was sick. Why cook for someone else when nothing tastes good to me? Ugh, it was a bad cooking week.

Today I tried a new recipe that I was actually excited to try. Easy chicken paella–any time a recipe has the word “easy” in it, I am willing to make it. It was easy, and it was delicious! Even Emmy ate it! It felt good to enjoy cooking and eating again. I actually have a plan for tomorrow’s dinner, too–thank goodness! Let’s hope that dinner ideas stay for a while.

What comes and goes for you?




8 Replies to “It Comes and It Goes”

  1. Oh heavens, there are so many things that wax and wane with me. Right now a big one is my desire to plan meals. Ugh. Other things: writing, exercising, cooking, avoiding breads. But I’m so glad when the feeling is there to do the job. It feels good to get it done, especially those things that benefit others.
    Jenny recently posted…A Gripe and a PrayerMy Profile

  2. Well, I’m always in the mood for wine so….
    The cooking thing definitely. I will have a week were I’m prepared and have a plan every night and then the next week I could care less about dinner – sadly I haven’t convinced the boys that dinner is over rated so I always have to come up with something:)
    Kim recently posted…What’s Your Hardcore?My Profile

  3. I am so sorry you were not feeling well. Those are the nights I pray the hubby orders in. I use the excuse it keeps everyone healthy on several fronts.

    A beer only sounds good to me around friends. (Wanna come over to drink?) Hubby doesn’t count. He sees me w/o glasses, spiked hair and bed head ugly each morning.
    Sharon, The Mayor recently posted…Plea for PrayersMy Profile

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