There Was This One Thanksgiving… {Spin Cycle Prompt}

On Thursday we’re celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S. and I thought it would be fun to remember past Thanksgivings. This week on the Spin Cycle, share memories from past Thanksgivings; traditions, family gatherings or recipes, or write about one Thanksgiving that was really memorable. There was this one Thanksgiving….

Link up your Thanksgiving Spin any day this week!


Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

Copy and paste the code in the box to add some Spin Cycle bling to your post! (On some blogs, you will need to delete the quote marks and replace them with regular quote marks. Or just grab the Spin Cycle code from my right sidebar.)

I usually send a Spin Cycle reminder on Wednesday; if you’d like to receive my newsletter, enter your email here!




12 Replies to “There Was This One Thanksgiving… {Spin Cycle Prompt}”

  1. So your Spin Cycle is on Thursdays? I have a Thanksgiving story I was thinking of posting over the weekend but I will put it as a Spin Cycle meme. (that is if I get around to writing it) I may not be able to link it up to your page since I will be out of town and not sure what connection I can get at my MIL’s house.
    Deborah Pucci recently posted…FRIDAY PHOTOSMy Profile

    1. I usually write my Spin Cycle post on Thursday night or Fridays, but the linky is up all week until Sunday! I can stop by your blog and link it up for you if you don’t think you’ll have the internet. πŸ™‚

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