Pizza and Movie Night

It seems like every weekend, we have one night that is pizza and movie night. I make my special homemade pizza with two boxes of Jiffy pizza crust mix spread into my large jelly roll pan. I use Pastorelli pizza sauce from Chicago, Illinois. The Lemon Drop Pie family pizza features pepperoni and onions, with no onions on Emmy’s corner. When there are five minutes left to bake, I top it with fresh mozzarella bought in bulk from Costco and then frozen, because we’re frugal like that. I prefer to eat my pizza with a big glass of milk. I’ve heard that’s weird. Do you think it’s weird?

pizza and milk

Tonight’s movie pick from the library archives is Chicken Little, a movie I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. It’s surprisingly more about a relationship between a father and a son than the sky falling.

Do you have pizza and movie night at your house? What’s the last movie you watched together?



P.S. What do you put on your pizza? πŸ™‚


7 Replies to “Pizza and Movie Night”

  1. Friday night is usually pizza night and tonight we actually played a new board game, which I will be sharing soon too. So definitely got a bit of relaxation in the evenings at the very least πŸ˜‰

  2. I’m with Emmy. No onions for me!! I used to put carrots on my pizza. Is that weird?
    Otherwise I like plain or broccoli. I love pepperoni but not cooked. I’m weird.
    Tonight we’re doing movie night with popcorn, and maybe pizza too! It’s frozen, though. But organic!
    Tamara recently posted…It Ain’t Easy Being Random.My Profile

    1. My mom always put broccoli on her pizza, and I’ve been craving it lately! Carrots, weird, but I could totally do it. πŸ˜‰

      We need to eat more popcorn on our movie nights!

  3. Your pizza looks yummy. I’ve never had milk with pizza so I don’t know if it is weird but it does sound different to me. We do a pizza night and movie too each weekend but we order ours in.
    Deborah Pucci recently posted…MOVIE MONDAYMy Profile

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