How I Conquered The Goldfinch {Spin Cycle}

A few months ago, it seemed like everyone was talking about The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt. The description of the book sounded intriguing, so I put the e-book on hold at my library. The wait was long, and I finally got the book. However, I didn’t realize that it’s 771 pages long. I had two weeks to read it. Could I really finish it in only fourteen days?

I’m a fast reader and I don’t mind reading long books. Last summer, I reread The Lord of the Rings, which is well over a thousand pages, just for fun. However, reading a book that is familiar is easier than reading new material. Plus, I tend to read for enjoyment and am more of a literal reader. I don’t look for deeper meanings as I read. You might say I’m shallow.

I had one thing in my favor. It was the beginning of summer, and so I had more time to read than usual. I had a disadvantage, though…the book wasn’t catching my attention. I thought it would be more about the art world that it was. It was more about a 13 year old boy learning how to do drugs and build a lifetime of dependency on lying. I kept thinking as I read, “If only his mother were still alive!”

And perhaps that was the point of the whole book. I honestly don’t remember the flurry of words that happened at the end. But I do know that I was disappointed in the book as a whole. What kept me going was a determination to finish it before the library took it back. When an e-book is due, it disappears from my e-reader, and if I lost The Goldfinch, I was not going to check it out again. I was still desperately trying to finish the book on the day it was due. Somehow, I made it to page 771 and breathed a sigh of relief.

After finishing conquering The Goldfinch, I needed some light reading. My next book was Avenging Angel, by Nevada Barr. This book was familiar territory for me. I hadn’t read it before, but I’m a big Nevada Barr fan and have read most of her books.

There wasn’t much need to “conquer” Avenging Angel. I read it in two days! Good guys get the bad guys. Now that’s my kind of book.

Just this week, I was rewarded for my diligence. On the TV show The Good Wife, Alicia’s mother mentions The Goldfinch when she tries to change the conversation! I was like, “Hey! I read that!” as I watched the show.

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{week of Oct. 20 – At the ________ }
{week of Oct. 27 – Mask}


19 Replies to “How I Conquered The Goldfinch {Spin Cycle}”

  1. I just had this happen recently with What Alice Forgot that I also borrowed from the library as an ebook. I had one day left and had 40% left to read. I caved and bought the kindle book and actually just finished it last night. Definitely recommend it but I suppose I just need more hours in the day to read and not go over the two week library checkout time.
    Janine Huldie recently posted…Going Gaga for Lalaloopsy This Christmas…My Profile

  2. I haven’t read The Goldfinch but I can totally relate to trying to finish a book I don’t have much interest in. I find myselft having to do this for some of the books our book club chooses. I like to read on my iPad and when I’m struggling with a book I often find myself wandering over to FB or some other social media.
    This Busy Life recently posted…Love Conquers AllMy Profile

  3. I’ve had similar experience, too. The book had such great potential! But I just could not care about any of the characters. I found no reason to find out “what happens next?” so I quite half way through. Just couldn’t take it any more!

    I think there should be at least 2 hours added to the days that are called The Reading Hours. It would benefit everyone, don’t you think?
    Jenny recently posted…Please, and Thank YouMy Profile

  4. I love e-books. I swear I take the kids to the library. By the time they get their books there is no time for me to go upstairs and get one for myself. That is where e-books are a lifesaver. I need to add this to my reading list. Ask Janette for her book list. She has some great ones if you need a new title.
    Sharon, The Mayor of Crazyville recently posted…Conquering the LensMy Profile

  5. I am sure that I couldn’t get into that book. I wish I read more. It’s nobody’s fault but my own. I buy books but spend way to much time on my computer. I keep saying I’m going to change but I haven’t yet! I am definitely a romance novel reader and also self help books.
    Deborah Pucci recently posted…MEMORY MONDAYMy Profile

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