Easter Scavenger Hunt {Spin Cycle}

I started a new Easter tradition a couple of years ago with Lily and Emmy. I wanted to do something special at home; my sister-in-law would have an egg hunt at her house, and I always give the girls Easter baskets. *Ahem* I meant to say that the Easter bunny brings Easter baskets for the girls.

I decided to put clues inside plastic eggs instead of candy. The clues would lead the girls to an Easter present. The first year, I gave them roller blades. I had wanted to buy them and needed a good excuse, so they became Easter gifts. Last year, my gifts weren’t as extravagant as you can see in the video below. You will also get to see my messy house…ignore that part, please! Since Emmy couldn’t read yet, she handed the eggs to Lily and Lily read the clue.

Click here to watch on YouTube.

Preparations for this annual Easter scavenger hunt are on underway. I still need to think up some new clues and wrap the new presents! This year, Lily and Emmy will be getting (SHHH!) My Little Ponies.

Other preparations are underway, too. I have the ham in the fridge. Last night, the choir rehearsed our Alleluias in preparation for Easter morning. And loyal church volunteers worked in the dark to set up the tomb, which Roman guards will watch over this weekend. On Easter morning, the guards will be gone and the tomb will be empty! He is Risen!

guarded tomb

Share your Easter, Passover or Spring traditions in the Linky below, and be sure to visit my co-host, Gretchen! Please use #SpinCycle when you promote your posts. Stop by on Monday to see what next week’s prompt will be!

Second Blooming


16 Replies to “Easter Scavenger Hunt {Spin Cycle}”

    1. The girls really loved the clues! They get so much candy that I really wanted to do something different. This year, my sister-in-law is out of town so I’ll be doing both an egg hunt with candy and the scavenger hunt for the girls. I’d better get busy! 🙂 Happy Easter to you and your family, Janine!

  1. That is just the cutest thing! I am terribly impressed by your clues! And your house isn’t really very messy. Have a blessed Easter! We’ll both be singing our Alleluias!

  2. So much good in one post (I loved the guards photo on FB) but I’ll just say that My Little Ponies is a great idea! We still need to put Easter together. Being half Jewish/half Christina doesn’t mean we’re allowed to procrastinate on either holiday, and yet we do!
    tamaralikecamera recently posted…Open During Renovations.My Profile

    1. My girls love having their picture taken with the guards! It’s definitely become a tradition. 🙂 I’m right there with you on the procrastination. I shouldn’t even be on the computer right now!

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