Inspirational Women {Spin Cycle}

I don’t have to look far to find an inspirational woman. Every day, I’m surrounded by them.

To just a casual observer, these women don’t seem as though they are amazing. They are just living life; dropping their kids off at school; going to work; buying groceries; driving carpool.

But I know. I know just some of their secrets. I know there’s more to them than meets the eye.

That woman over there? She fights depression and anxiety every day and somehow makes it out of bed each morning. She tries to eat right and exercise, goes to therapy and takes her medication. She works hard, has her ups and downs, and breathes a sign of relief when the day is over.

What about this one? She seems to have it all; the nice car, the handsome husband, the sweet kids. But she’ll never forget the baby she lost a few years ago.

And then there’s another woman, who treats her elderly father-in-law as though he’s her own father. She keeps track of his medication and goes for walks with him daily. Every since he lost his wife, she’s been by his side.

You’d never know that that woman over there had an unexpected illness just a few months ago. It took her weeks, months even, to recover, with unexpected setbacks along the way.

And then there’s this woman, whose husband decided he didn’t want to be married any more. She needs to keep working full time and also needs to find a way to take care of her three children during this confusing time, when Daddy doesn’t live with them any more.

She has always wanted to be mom. Every since she was a little girl, she wanted children of her own. But now, she has come to terms with the fact that she’ll never have kids. And right now, it seems to her that she’ll never find true love, either.

You may think that you know who I’m talking about. She is one of your friends. Or maybe she’s your sister, your mother, or your neighbor. Maybe she’s that mom from the school that you really don’t like, or the lady at the grocery store that ignored you. Or perhaps she’s someone you met online but have never met in real life.

I know, you expected me to tell you a name. To write about just one person.

But I can’t. There’s too many of you out there who inspire me.

Even though you have had your share of pain, of heartache, you still live life. You’re out there, creating, dreaming, laughing, writing, living, and loving. You’re becoming an inspiration to someone else and you don’t even know it, because you’re just being you.

Inspirational you.


Second Blooming
Write about your inspiration, and link it up here!


12 Replies to “Inspirational Women {Spin Cycle}”

  1. Now see, that is a post I should have like to write. Instead I struggled and struggled and in the end I have nothing to show for it!

    It is hard to see the people behind the faces at times. See their hurt and joy, because what they present to you is sometimes so different to how they feel. A brilliant post. And very very fitting for the prompt.
    Mara@Weighty Matters recently posted…The Book ThiefMy Profile

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