Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 1/6}

At the end of my Spin Cycle on Friday, I wrote: “While I don’t know what my word for 2014 is yet, my highlight of 2013 is definitely Family.” Angelina from The Road to Rome told me in her comment, “Now you need to go pick a word for 2014.” So that’s what we doing for the Spin Cycle this week!

Have you written about your Word of the Year yet? Link up your post here! Still need to pick a word? Come back any day this week and tell us what you picked!

To add a little challenge to your word of the year, make your word into an acrostic poem! We’re totally stealing this idea from Left Brain Buddha. I love what she did with her word of the year!

And here’s an awesome acrostic poem my Spin Cycle partner wrote:

Share your Spin!
Place to vent.
No right or wrong way!

Community of Spinners.
You can let your imagination go wild!
Can you surprise yourself?
Love that Linky!
Everybody’s welcome!

Don’t worry; if you’re not a poet, the poem part is optional. Write up YOUR spin, and link up your post any day this week! A link to your post will be both here and over at Second Blooming.

Second Blooming


16 Replies to “Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 1/6}”

  1. I have just written about my word of the year for 2014 today. I never knew about this until I read another person’s blog who was writing all abuot why resolutions fail and you need to pick a cnetral theme to the year. By the way, I’m visiting from the SITS girls FB group. I’m going to read more of your blog cause it seems inspiring.
    Astrid recently posted…2014 in a WordMy Profile

  2. Hi again,
    Thanks for hopping over ot my blog, and thanks for suggesting I share my link. Which linking tool are you using? I have had troulb with several (like InLInkz and Mr. Linky) for not adding an alt text to the submit button. This makes the button invisible to my screen reader. InLinkz and Mr lInky have solved this, but apparently this tool has the same issue. Anyway, maybe tomorrow I’m going to contact t he linky tool thingy to request they make this simple accommodtion. I just wanted to say this.
    Astrid recently posted…2014 in a WordMy Profile

  3. I have yet to come up with my word for 2014. I wanted to use clarity, but since I can’t really give that to myself, I think I need to come up with another word. Hopefully I’ll have something by the end of the week. I’m sure I will.
    Andrea recently posted…Same Me, Different GoalsMy Profile

  4. I think you added my post right? Or did I somehow manage to add it myself? Anyway, I only discovered the acrostic twst now as I was reading over This Busy Life’s post. I’m so sorry for apparently having missed tha ton MOnday. I didn’t know what an acrostic is, but I figure dout by reading soem then looked it up on Wikipedia.
    Astrid recently posted…Acrostic: Self-CareMy Profile

      1. Oh great. I apologize if I comment too much. Initially I thought your acrositc poem thingy was new because I had’t seen it on Monday. So I commented again thinking htis was another post and then I saw allt he stuff from MOnday and I realized it’s the same post.
        Astrid recently posted…Acrostic: Self-CareMy Profile

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